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broken skimmer?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by smw0522, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    My skimmer collection cup barely has any water collecting in it, and what it does collect is clear.  Now, I've got a decent amount of algae, so if my skimmer was working correctly wouldn't it be yucky(for lack of proper term[​IMG]) water in there??? 
    I do 5 % water changes every 2 weeks and have carbon and phosphate remover bags in my back chamber.  My sand is full of algae and I keep manually pulling it out every other day. Pretty soon I'll be out of sand darn it!!  My rocks have some algae but it's mostly my sand.  Mostly slimy, red, guessing cyno.  But some looks almost hairlike and is brown.  My hermit crabs and snails don't seem to be doing anything to help.  
    Could my skimmer be broken?? We've tried to fix it with no luck. We may order a new one. Also, was wondering about recommendations about getting a sandsifting goby or blennie that would fit in a 29 gallon biocube that would help keep the sand moving to see would that help??   
  2. Anna

    Anna Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Which protein skimmer are you running?

  3. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I don't know what's up with your skimmer...but the two things, while related, can be addressed individually.  I know your skimmer uses an airstone, if you have not replaced that for a while, a new airstone may help to give you better microbubbles and better (more yucky  /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif )skimmate.  That one's kind of a shot in the dark, I don't know anything about using those Oceanic skimmers for Biocubes.   Now as for the algae, these things will work to reduce the growth.  Increase the water changes to 10% a week for a while, maybe even 15%.  This will result in cleaner water.  Reduce the amount of food you're giving them, again, cleaner water.  Replace the phosphate remover with fresh if you have not done that for a while.  Reduce the lighting period.  Improve flow.  If you're just using the stock return pump without any additional flow, add a small powerhead to help give additional flow  Algae grows best in areas with little to no flow.  All of these things will reduce the ability for algae to grow. 
  4. snowman82

    snowman82 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    well first off, how new is the tank and is there any fish in it? kinda hard to get skimmate if there is nothing for it to take out is my understanding
  5. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have an Oceanic Biocube Protein Skimmer. I've had it hooked up since March when I got my tank. I have a half a dozen corals, 2 clownfish, 1 firefish, 1 cleaner shrimp, and several snails/hermit crabs.

    Thanks AJ!! I like your idea of trying new airstones first before we go out and get another skimmer. Do you or does anybody happen to know if they sell the replacement airstones anywhere in town for the oceanic biocube protein skimmer?? I was looking on the oceanic website and it didn't seem I could order from that site. I think I may have found some on www.fishsupply.com, but shipping is kinda expensive so thought if anyone knew of any locally in stores I'd check that out first.

    I do have an extra powerhead so should have plenty of flow. I'll try new airstones, more frequent water changes, replacing phosphate/carbon again, I don't feel like I feed my fish too much. I only feed them one small pinch a day, how does that sound? For lighting..... 6:00AM blue lights come on, about 9AM white lights, then around 5:30 PM white lights go off and blue lights are on until about 10PM.

  6. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    You can get the airstones on eBay for around $7 shipped. When you say blue lights, do you mean PC actinics or moonlights (LEDs)? If they are moonlights, they can stay on 24/7. Actinics should probably not. I'm not sure what a light schedule should look like for you...try cutting back to 6 hours and see if that helps. If you are using PC actinics, maybe an hour on each end of that for actinics.

  7. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0
    I had the same skimmer and would need to replace the airstone (actually wood) every 30-60 days - pretty common with air driven skimmers.
    Wooden versions create smaller bubbles which are better suited for a skimmer.
    I was able to find the wooden diffusers locally (I believe "Lee" brand) for around $7 - was either Petco or Petland (IC).
  8. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    By blue lights I meant actinics. I keep my moonlights on 24/7. I'll try cutting back to 6 hours a day see if that helps. THanks again:)

    Thanks Eric. Hearing they were around locally I tried Pet's Playhouse and they had the Lees brand you are talking about. I picked up a couple and have had one in overnight. I checked it this AM and there is already a little slimy, gunky stuff in there. Better than I was getting before!!!

    Sorry, as you can see I'm not real good with the "technical terms", I really need Saltwater For Dummies!!! haha:) Thanks for the help.

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