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Solved Bubble Magnus doser problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jeremy, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    I have a Bubble Magnus 3 head doser that I bought used a couple years ago. Worked great hole time I have owned it. I am tearing down a 40b setup that it was on and moving to my 120.
    I got all the tubing run and primed. Then went to setup dosing amounts and went to home screen and noticed the clock was not showing up. So I went and redid the clock and still nothing. So I cycled power a few times and clock showed but the time was not moving from where I set it so.
    I then emailed Sea Side Aquatics at 11 pm and explained what happened. In 10 minutes I received response. Now that's customer service.
    He to me to unplug unit and keep in a warm dry place for 24 hours or more. Preferably longer and that resets it.
    So I left it unplugged for 3 days. He emailed me a few times during that to let him know how it went when I powered it up.
    We'll the reset didn't work. I have no warranty so I had to order a control board. I am going to replace it my self. Hopefully it's in today.
    I have some backup doses laying around so I put those to work for now.
    I just wanted people to know what I did if they ever encounter this. I will update how the board replacement goes and if it worked.
  2. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    Changed the board tonight. Took about 10 minutes. Everything is working fine now.

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