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cautionary tale

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PotRoast, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. PotRoast

    PotRoast Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +24 / 0 / -0
    Well, this isn't that bad of a story but something to think about.
    Last month I did my monthly water change (20%). At the same time I took my nitrate reactor offline, and also removed about 10-20% of my live rock. I also completely cleaned my sumps, reactors, equip, etc. My tank could not handle it and cycled on me. At first I had a bacterial bloom...the water became incredibly cloudy. Then a diatom bloom happened. After about a week it all cleared up and my water was crystal. I had to do a couple small water changes because the diatoms just got all over everything. I also had to clean my sumps really well. PITA.
    So this month (last night) I did another water change (20%). Left the nitrate reactor online this time. I redid my aquascaping last week and removed about 1/3 of my DT rock and put in into the sump. Then I took one rock out at a time and moved it to my QT tank which is a separate system....I took two rocks out in three days before doing the water change.
    So after the water change my sump and DT water got cloudy IMMEDIATLY. My nitrate reactor was totally cloudy and spitting out milky water. I figure that the water change and removing the live rock was enough to cause a bacterial bloom. So I put back in the sump about 4-5 pieces of live rock that I moved to my QT tank. Today the water is much clearer. I assume putting the live rock back in my sump solved my problem. I also left the nitrate reactor online and the water in it is now clear and coming out clear.
    So I guess the moral of the story is one that applies to almost everything in reefing: Take it slow. Make changes in your system one at a time, and allow it to recover before adding a bunch of other stuff or doing a bunch of stuff.
    Last night I freaked a little and wanted to do several things.....small water change, add ozone, take the nitrate reactor offline. But I took a chill pill instead, thought about my issues, what could cause them, and decided just to relax and see what happens today before doing anything drastic. Glad I did.  
    Also, if you have other ideas as to what my problem is, I am all ears.

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