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Solved Changed my mind

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FishBrain, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,818 / 14 / -0
    There's almost always a dip in activity in the summer, but I don't think it's any big secret that activity has been on the downswing for a while. Economy in a factor IMO, this past year it seemed like a ton of "getting out" threads. Social media has really tended to take over forums in general, but especially over the past 2-3 years (and really badly during the tail end of the era on the old forum engine)

    The low point was the month of the forum conversion (April 2015), and since then there has been a bit of a "return" factor (difficulty accessing the site), some email config issues that were causing a lot of messages to go to spam (and a lot of that has to do with a rise in aggressiveness of spam/junk filters), and a few other factors like how the forum software works (i.e. old software sent email for every reply to a thread, new one only sends one until you visit the thread again)
  2. stew Well-Known ReefKeeper GIRS Member

    Ankeny, IA
    +72 / 0 / -0
    Been a difficult and emotional period. Glad to see you are sticking with it!

    @Bud@Bud hope you will also reconsider. Been there but nowhere near this extreme. For anyone who hasn't been there it's tough to understand the time and emotional energy spent being on a BOD, regardless of how well it is going.
  3. yankieman Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Monmouth, IL
    +156 / 0 / -0
    I think that is about the time I joined HEHEHE
  4. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    I'm happy to hear that you have changed your mind Bill.

    There are many here that have great value to the club, old and new members. I don't think we need to rattle/shake any leaves/bushes to get the BOD seated. As members, I think we should vote for who we "really feel" will serve the positions in the best manner for the Club. Just because someone knows SW/Reefkeeping doesn't mean they know how to govern...same goes with considering a friend as the person whom one should vote for. We have had some GREAT BOD members and some not so great....it happens. I'll be the first to admit that I have voted for a person whom I later wished I hadn't. I really felt the person would do great in the position but he/she didn't "IMO". Not judging the person, just the job they did(n't) do. We don't always choose wisely or the person doesn't perform as we expect. Sometimes we do choose wisely but then the person chosen has unexpected things arise and then those things interefer...we just have to accept that as they are volunteers or, they may have to/should step down.... What has gone on here, happens to most clubs/organizations/etc. All anyone can do is their best....I think most members do:)

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