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Cheap Beats By Dre g, we had a call at our tent from these same

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Guest, Nov 25, 2012.

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    Cheap Beats By Dre g, we had a call at our tent from these same

    men. After a little conversation, all obstructions in the way of our preaching were removed; and Bapu was told that he might sell any except our religious books! But before the callers left us even that order was revoked, and full permission was accorded us to do as we pleased and sell what we pleased. This was a very grateful clearing up of the storm which had threatened
    Beats By Dre Cheap us the night before, and our hearts were thankful. How far the loud threats of our Mussulman friend would have been carried out in case we bad disregarded his orders, I cannot tell. I dare say, however, that we would have been unmolested. Young Orientals like to assert their authority, even when they have not much to assert; and there is a good deal of Orientalism in the Mogulai. I am somewhat inclined to regard the whole thing as nothing more than a slight outburst of Orientalism. This young official, if such he was, perhaps imagined that we had not treated him with sufficient respect, in beginning to preach without his permission; and undertook to frighten us, in order to show what a great man he was. At any rate, he shortly became very friendly, called on us a number of times, as did also several of the other great men among the Mussulmans. Mrs. Park was invited to their houses to see their women, and we were treated by them with much politeness during the whole of our visit."Preaching in the town was constantly kept up: i. e., we visited the town almost daily for the purpose. The people listened with great readiness, and showed a very inquiring spirit. We had a constant succession of visitors at our tent, some of them coming over and over again, and many of them for the purpose of discussing, or asking about our religion. A large number of books were sold, and many of the 'gratuitous' series were distributed. Two or three of the frequent callers at the tent seemed to be very much impressed with the truth; and all the people showed as friendly a spirit to us personally, if not to the message which we brought to them, as I imagine is usually found among the Hindoos in this part of India. On the whole, Tulzapur seems to me to be both an interesting and encouraging place for missionary labor. It is my hope that I may frequently preach the gospel to its inhabitants."Many years Cheap Beats By Dre ago, Mr. Munger visited Tulzapur, and preached, I imagine, a number of times there. One Hindoo was led to renounce idolatry, and it was thought, became a Christian. Ills friends then set upon him, and persecuted him so violently as to drive him mad. He used to wander about the country, a sort of half Hindoo, half Christian. Mr. Wood, who communicated to me these facts, says he does not know whether he is now alive or dead."Leaving Tulzapur last Sunday, the 27th inst., after a stay of two weeks, we came on twelve miles further north, to this place, Dharashiv, which I presume has not been visited by missionaries for years, if at all before. We are twenty miles from Barsi, from which place I have summoned our faithful helper Bhiwaji. Gu

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