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Club Discount for MEMBERS ONLY

Discussion in 'Archive' started by IASeascapes, May 2, 2009.

  1. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hello again all... just wanted to get on here and lay out the terms we wanted to offer to the club members (registered ones only) for our sponsorship of GIRS.  Scott and I have looked at what we can do to try to draw GIRS members in and be the premier dealer for all of your livestock needs.  Here is what we have come up with (so far....)
    If you special order any livestock (fish, corals, rock, inverts, packages, etc..) we will take your request and research as many websites we can find to offer your a comparible (if not cheaper) price to online.  Shipping will be already figured into the price and you won't incure an extra amount.  Terms will be similar to online such as:
             Call/email/PM your order in and pay up front (once price is established)
             Arrive the day of the shipment to pick up (just as one would with an internet shipping order)
    Currently we recieve most of our shipments on either a Tuesday or Wednesday, and will try to get a set schedule for making that a fixed day.  We will have to have all orders by Monday to receive the same week. 
    We will offer either a 7 day guarantee price, or a sale price as I've had comments that some members feel they are comfortable without a guarantee price due to their experience in the hobby.  I have looked at a great deal of websites and with shipping on small orders (1,2, or 3 fish) we are already comparible to most websites when you factor in the shipping price.  We will try to go below that even though for club members.  Larger (group) orders is where you will notice the substantial discount you will receive (just as you would online). 
    We are currently working on researching doing something similar with dry goods, but at this moment some of the largers companies are too hard to compete with as they buy in extreme bulk quantities (i.e. we get 3-5 bags of sand/gravel in per shipment, they get a truck!!!), but hope to come up with a compromise soon! 
    We request to submit orders, that you PM on here, or emails us at Scott@iaseascapes.com .  Average turnaround time to get a price would be 24 hours.  We request that if possible you submit a price that you have seen online, as well as a websit.  We will try our best to get to that price OR close to it (sometimes below it).  Most items we feel we will have no problem doing so. 
    On another note, I was adding a reminder on the salt deal we were offering on 200 gallon boxes of Reef Crystals, and Instant Ocean Salt.  We are currently at 14 and need a few more to get to the order point to receive the discount from our distributor!
    Please feel free to post any questions you have, or PM/Email us.  Or if easier give us a call at (515) 223-0254.  Scott or I (Tim) are here pretty much 24/7 and will do what we can to meet your needs!
    Thanks in advance for your continued support!
    Tim Wagner
    Manager, Iowa Pet Foods & Seascapes
  2. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    WOW! Great deal. Wish we had someone offering deals like that in our region.

    Thanks for supporting the club.

  3. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    I have a request


    We have nothing!!!!
  4. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    +0 / 0 / -0
    LOL Trust me the thought has crossed his mind....... UNFORTUNATELY that is the cause of about 90% of the demise of LPS's....or else we would.

  5. ruggerkc Experienced Reefkeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    North Liberty , IA
    +183 / 3 / -0
    Posted By IASeascapes on 05/02/2009 10:20 AM
    LOL Trust me the thought has crossed his mind....... UNFORTUNATELY that is the cause of about 90% of the demise of LPS's....or else we would.
    Why does it kill LPS? You mean LFS?
  6. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    +0 / 0 / -0
    sorry LPS=Local Pet Stores lol
  7. phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Where are you located? Might want to add that to your avatar area or siggy.......
  8. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    +0 / 0 / -0
    We are at 1500 22nd Street in WDM, IA 50266. Just north of I-235, right behind Hooters, and next to Michaels.
  9. wolfman1973

    wolfman1973 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    come on craig,you should open a store. you could call it craig's cars and corals!!!
  10. gb387

    gb387 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sweet! you guys rock, the store has much improved and with the support GIRS I shop there much more than I did before!

    One more thing.... would this include coral and inverts or FISH ONLY??
  11. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Everything live! Hopefully I can hit on everything!
  12. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Posted By jbrunken on 05/02/2009 10:07 AM
    WOW! Great deal. Wish we had someone offering deals like that in our region.
    Thanks for supporting the club.
    JB, maybe you can get a group order together for the area. I would be willing to meet you halfway sometime.
  13. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0

    I'll leave that up to the trustees, but I bet there would be some interest!


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