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Corals and equipment for sale SUPER CHEAP!

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by JB, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    Do you know that we are spending almost $100 for every person that comes in food, drinks, bags, royalties, and lanyards?  That doesnt include items like signage, advertising, shuttles and so on.
    And yes, there will be a TON of people there.  So far we have over 50 from Canada alone, then there is Saudi Arabia, Venzuela, Philipines, Australia, England, Spain, France, Mexico, and I am sure I am missing a few more.
    If you want free entertainment, go hang out at the mall or visit your local PETCO & listen to their experts.  Then you can get some great advice on how to keep your SPS looking good under VHO's and tricks on how to train your lion fish to not eat you mandarin.
  2. Bymers311

    Bymers311 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It is a little bit saddening to hear complaints and criticisms over something like price when we are all so lucky to have such an incredible event being hosted by GIRS. There are many members that have devoted enormous amounts of time and effort into trying to make this an amazing event. They have not asked for any special thanks or favors for what they have done, but instead of giving thanks or offering help some complain that prices are too high.
    This is not just some big frag swap, it is the biggest marine aquaria event in the country/continent/and I would assume world, but am not sure on that. The entry fee allows you access to listen to some of the most respected experts in the field speak as well as chances to talk to them personally after their speech. You can also walk the show floors and talk directly with the companies that are putting out the newest products and ideas. On top of all of that there are the banquets/bar as well as free access to the zoo. That is a lot of bang for your buck, not to mention it is helping support a club that you belong to.
    Unfortunately, we live in a time when people want to be given so much, but have an issue when they are asked to give anything to continue to receive. I think we are all very lucky to be so close to such an amazing group of people life the GIRS with the friendliness and great advice. Obviously this club is good enough to convince MASNA that they are capable of hosting their biggest event. As great as this club is, it can not continue to grow and improve without input and effort from its members. If you want to continue to have the privilege of having such an incredible local club than you need to be able to put a little in. Without effort from its members, any club will not be able to grow or improve.

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