Man this weekend was insane. Started with Friday morning Physic test, then a 10 hour shift at the emergency vet clinic. Saturday was a long trip to and from Chicago to get my sister's new baby chinchilla (who is ADORABLE and named Larry). Then to top it all of, Sunday was CRAZY. Got to work at 7:30am and didn't get home from work until 11pm. Ugh. Constant inflow of emergency cases to the point where every single one of our ICU kennels and cages were full, we were using every one of our catheter pumps and we had a dog on a ventilator. We have 6 exam rooms at the clinic and a good 75% of the time all 6 were full with only one doctor and us three techs working. Which, wasn't much seeing as one tech was dedicated to monitoring the ventilator dog 100% of the time, the other tech was stuck in ICU treating and monitoring all the ICU patients and I was running back and forth trying to check in and help all of the emergencies. I am TIRED. Phew. Its over now tho. Just a statistics test tomorrow and I'm being lazy at home, playing games and chilling on GIRS for the rest of the week /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif
Mine was pretty exciting. I got new lights for my tank another mp40 couple new fish and a sweet acro colony
I totally suck at taking pics as you can tell from my last picture post. the fish I got was a yellow kole eye tang and a mandarin. ended up getting a marineland pro series light fixture also.