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Advice? Cupermine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pygmey, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. Pygmey Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +119 / 1 / -0
    So I have a single fish that appears to have something on its fins.. It does not look like the traditional ICH that I have seen before. The fish is fairly new and was chased a bit at the beginning. The fish is still eating and swimming around all over the place. Not hiding, not gasping for "air", still eating so my concern is lower than probably will be if I start to see those signs.

    I do have a large UV sterilizer on the tank IE 40 watt smartUV. I have seen spots for about a week now that seem to get mildly worse but not leaving the fins. I have used ICH-X with really not much change so far. ICH-X is not killing my inverts and I am curious about the use of Cupermine.

    I noticed I have to remove the inverts which is a cleaner shrimp, few snails and one hermit so not a problem there. I however am curious once I go through the cupermine cycle have people had luck with running carbon to remove the copper and make it safe for inverts again?

  2. Actuary Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Adel, IA
    +145 / 1 / -0
    I believe you'll have issues long term if you dose copper into your display. Your rock and substrate will absorb copper and it will leach out over time. This is one reason treatment tanks commonly just contain pieces of PVC for hiding places.
  3. Pygmey Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +119 / 1 / -0
    Well Cupermine is a different form of copper that is not supposed to absorb into the rocks or substrate.. Anyone ever used it?
  4. Pygmey Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +119 / 1 / -0
    Well i picked up a 29 to set up a quick quarantine. Petco is having there dollar a gallon sale. Had some 75s even

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