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Davenport- LOTs for sale. Live stock, Tanks, Pumps, Premium Liverock

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by matt the fiddler, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User


    please email me at manweiler at gmail d0t com it is hard for me to check PM at work

    Here is just some of the massive piles of used gear I have.. most of this is priced to move at or less than half of retail. If you think I am asking unfairly high, let me know!


    Pacific Coast 1/10[sup]th[/sup] HP Chiller- Serviced, new fan. $180

    CPR overflow. 600-800 gph model 1” bulkhead. $60

    2x Tunze 6100 with Magnets- $100/ $90 each (one has high flow shield mod) (the one with broken bracket is $90)

    Aqua Surf- Neptune $65 $50 if you buy it with one or both of the tunzes

    Two Little Fishies GFO Phosban Reactor (150?) - $20
    KNOP C calcium reactor $120
    Gen X CO2 regulator w/ solenoid $60

    Both together… $170

    Reeflo Dart (4,300 gallons per hour low wattage pump) w/ 1 year use... sitting in the closet for 2 years no use surface rust from being in sump room. $140

    150 gallon tank acrylic + VERY HEAVY DUTY stand . (some repairs) drilled for closed loop $400

    Oceans Motions 4-way w/ 3 drums. $200

    Tank, Stand, Dart, and OceansMotions all together.. $600

    above w/ Liverock $800

    Live Rock. A mix of ULTRA RARE, no longer imported marshal island, fuji, and tonga branch. A 20 gallon tank filled to the brim, and a 55 gallon tank 2/3rds full.

    I would guess 150 pounds of very open porous live rock.. (came from a 250 gallon system) $350 for the lot coralline is not heavy due to dark refugium use. See tank pictures of former setup.

    Show coral pieces…

    40-50 large large heads of ricordea flordia. (probably 120+ if you count the smaller divisions) and a 10 year old Brain coral.


    Bright red Blasto 2-3” $20 or free with the other 2 corals and fish.

    Frogspawn Coral 10” wide probably around 20 heads.. $60

    Clown Fish (Oscillarius female) $15

    Midas Blenny (assuming he can be caught in the 25 gallon tank he is in) $20

    Other Misc

    Drilled 25 gallon (at top) with stand. $25

    55 gallon tank (used as sump) $30

    pristine Bowfront w/ stand (in the 20 gallon range??) $25

    probably 2 or 3 other tanks lying around… most drilled.

    I also am going to have some leftover metal halide bulbs, probably 60 pounds of premium salt, test kits, calibration fluids, etc. etc. etc. extra tanks..

    Some of this gear has been in storage for 2+ years, and simply impossible to test without being in a big setup. If it doesn’t work like I expect it to, I will work something out.. I have a decade in the hobby and am easy to track down if something goes wrong..

    Shipping- you pay actual cost. Estimate to your location from zipcode 52804… I can do fed ex, USPS or UPS.. You pay any online transaction fees. If you buy more than 1 thing, I will make a deal or throw in some freebies.

    Also, some of this is still in boxes, and some of this has livestock living in it. Please be patient if I can't move items like the tank you want 5 minutes from now.

    pictures are coming.

  2. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

  3. Pete H.

    Pete H. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I am interested. In the pump and a few other things. I will email when I get a few more free min.
  4. ScubaTodd

    ScubaTodd Inactive User

    pm sent
  5. softieatheart

    softieatheart Inactive User

    Dibs on the blennie for sure if he is not already gone! (My emails to you are bouncing)
  6. Pete H.

    Pete H. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I would maybe also be interested in the calcium reactor as well.
  7. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    I will be out for a little bit tonight.. I have some time this weekend if people want to schedule a time to stop by..

    for the bouncing emails try
    "@gmail.com" following "manweiler"

    (breaking up so spam bots don't flag my email)
  8. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    There is more!

    Reef Aquarium Vol 1, 2 and 3 (delbeek/sprung)-- $100 for set, $40 each,

    THE gold standard set when it comes to setting up and runing a reef

    aquarium. ALL the information you need with great photos!

    Aquarium Corals. Borneman $25

    Reef Invertebrates - Calfo $30

    Reef Fishes V. 1 Scott Michael $30

    $160 if you take all 6 books!
  9. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    might be interested in the 150. If you can send me a text with more info on it would be great.

  10. Herman


    IM interested in the Ricordea 319 3661789
  11. danmgray

    danmgray Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I'm intertested in the oceans motions, e-mail sent.
  12. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    Live stock.... There is just a clownfish, the blasto, live rock, and a smaller rock of Ricordea left.

    I have a lot of nibbles on pieces of gear... I will try to post what is sold here... Matt
  13. Pete H.

    Pete H. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Hey Matt,

    I am still interested in the stuff we talked about via email. Would a weeknight work for me to stop by? I could do Monday night.
  14. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User


    all livestock I think is spoken for or purchased at this point in time except the clownfish and liverock.

    I think the following are spoken for.... oceansmotions, dart....

    I have people showing strong interest in the 150gallon tank, calcium reactor

    Todd can provide a non biased eyewitness account to the rock, and my gear if anyone if on the fence. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif He also witnessed the world's first and probably last bare handed blenny catch...

  15. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    Dart pump and Oceansmotions sold.
  16. ScubaTodd

    ScubaTodd Inactive User

    The tank looked very sold and cool design. Rock could make some interesting aquascape. Solid.
    Blenny has made a home in the rock.
  17. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/biggrin.gif glad to hear..

    I will try to post an updated list of what's available this weekend.
  18. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    tank still available? what are the dimensions on it anyways?
  19. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    Yes it is!

    Check the pic post (#2 on this thread)
    The tank has a face of around 60"x 30" and is 24" deep 1/2" acrylic

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