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Dec Event????

Discussion in 'Waterloo / Cedar Falls Area' started by DavidM199, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. DavidM199

    DavidM199 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I know that Dec can be a very busy month but I think it would be good to get an event in since its been a while. Anyone have an idea of any event and a date. I was thinking one of this weekends Dec 5 or 6 and Dec 12 or 13.
  2. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    We could all help me move my tank to my new place at the end of December! haha
    I was actually going to talk to you about this David. I'll be moving the contents of my 72 gallon to a stock tank toward the end of December to my new place about a mile or so away. From there I will be bringing my tank, stand, and canopy with T5's to Omaha to trade for a 125 gal tank(built in overflows), stand, pre-fab sump, and mag-7(someone looking to downsize). I'll be putting in Starboard on the bottom of the tank to run bare bottom, so hopefully it won't take long to get that all put in. From start to finish I hope it'll be less than a week, but the fish/corals will be fine in a 100 gallon stock tank. I'm buying 3 MH's: two 400's and one 250(400's on outside and the 250 in the center) and plan on running a 20 or 29 gallon frag tank and a 20 or 29 gallon refugium with all my sand, mangroves, and macro algae(haven't decided which tank to use for them yet). When I get this setup in decent shape and running good I wanted to invite everyone over to view my personal ocean(it's big for me!) and to break in the place. I've been doing a lot of research and plan on doing a lot of unusual things with this tank(removing center braces and replacing with acrylic, additional hole drilled in overflow area for all chords so none are on outside of tank, maybe a surge device, custom stand over top of original stand, custom canopy, others...), so it'll be cool to show!
    That will be sometime in January before It's "show worthy," so I'm definitely going to want to see something in the are before then!
    I know there's a couple new members, maybe we could coax them into showing their tank's? I know I would like to see SneakyPort's 5 tanks. Maybe Jeremy wants to show off his biocube after he blows a couple hundred bucks this weekend(sorry Jeremy, we all know it's going to happen!). Who else?
  3. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    Maybe Josh(waterfowler) will want to show his tank, he's new to the forums also, I don't believe he's been on any tank tours other than at Craigs place.

    Also, just an idea, if there was a tank tour and my place was a stop, I'd really like people to give me ideas and (positive) criticism. I would really like people to tell me honestly what they think I'm doing wrong, what they would change, what they think could work better....

    Maybe we can invite some people for a tank tour and express that their tank doesn't have to be "wonderful." We would stop by people places that are somewhat "intimidated" by all the nice tanks and are afraid of sharing. It could be a sort of learning experience. We could make it really beneficial to the people who don't think tank tours are worth attending, thus they would be more eager to attend future events.

    What do you think?
  4. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    Wow, that's quite a bit of reading! haha
  5. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Usually the only event in December is the holiday party...nothing says you have to do one, but I know that's what we're planning for the CR/IC area.

  6. paulk

    paulk Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to the club and the hobby. I would love to see some people's tanks. I just bought an established 125 gallon tank that I moved this weekend. Stayed up till 1:30am yesterday getting the live rock set up. I won't have much to look at if people come check it out but I sure wouldn't mind some veterans checking out the set up and giving me recommendations and advice before I start stocking it. By december I should have plenty of corals stocked as I will pick up the corals that were in the tank before and hope to have some invertabrates. The fish I was going to sell and start new. Looking forward to it!
  7. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    Cool welcome to the club Paul. You should try & make it to Fall Fest this weekend.

    I am up for anything. Might be kinda tough though as I think I have family Christmas stuff starting every weekend after the 5th.
  8. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to the club Paul! How long have you been in the saltwater hobby? Where do you live?

    I just remembered I have deer hunting the first weekend in December, but other than that I should be free until Christmas.
  9. paulk

    paulk Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yep, I'll be at Fall Fest. Hopefully everything has cycled by then so I can stat adding. Just put the sand in today so we'll see if there are any spikes. All the tests have been ideal since the move, I'm shocked after stirring up all the sand and adding a ton more live rock. O well, I'm not complaining. I live in Janesville and I just got into the hobby about a week ago ; ) but I've been reading and wanting a tank for several years, I just knew I'd be moving so much and figured I'd wait till I settled down. Well maybe I'll get to meet some of you at Fall Fest.
  10. jwess


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Ive got an idea. I would like to get the group together and brainstorm about the Ferrarris tank. I got the go ahead for the conversion over to saltwater. I would like to get some ideas on equipment and goods. They want a bid here soon. I would like to keep it around $12 to $1500. Pretty much all I need is rock, skimmer, a few power heads, RODI, and new bulbs. Ohh yeah and fish. Thats pretty much the bare bones of it.
  11. waterfowler


    +0 / 0 / -0
    I'm cool with anything you guy's want to do. If we do a tour we can stop at my place. I will have a some coral to look at after Fall Fest. It will look a little like a 75g frag tank! I would like to see some more area tanks and setups to. Mybe we could brain storm and come up with a game plan for Josh at the end or as we go???
  12. SneakyPort

    SneakyPort Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    You can see my tanks if you guys really want to.
  13. SneakyPort

    SneakyPort Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Only because you r an Iowa fan though ADAM
  14. adampottebaum

    adampottebaum Experienced Reefkeeper

    +19 / 0 / -0
    SP, I'll just send you a PM so we're not hijacking this thread!

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