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DIY Lumenbrites?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bela, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If you do find it, can you give me an item number or a SKU? Make my life a whole lot easier!
  2. dzabler

    dzabler Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    ok so i checked out what we had...the sheets of aluminum are not very reflective at all and i guess you could buff them to a shine you liked...i also checked out the skylight reflector tubes...basicly a mirrior finish which is what you want...$32.00 for a 24 X 30 sheet so you could get two 14 X14 squares out of one...not sure what lowes has them for, it would have to be lower to get the price match but at $32 it isnt bad...i can get the sku tomorrow, they are in the millworking department too
  3. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Lowe's is selling them for $28 a piece, so that means I would get it for that price. I would need the polished stuff, not worth the time or the money on a respirator and such to buff the aluminum myself. If you can get the SKU, that would be awesome. It would end up being 21"x21" that gets cut out which gets smaller due to the bending and riveting involved, but no worries. It sounds like I will be able to knock about 3 bucks off, so can get a sheet for 25 total. The only question I would have is wether or not the product has to be EXACT. The thing at Lowe's is actually a little bigger in dimensions, but that doesn't matter since all excess is basically waste if I am not able to make a whole other reflector.
  4. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    So I was able to get a 48x24 piece from menard's for 44 bucks, so it would have been cheaper even than price matching, which is cool. Going to make them tomorrow. Bought a cheapo 5 dollar piece of flashing so I can "practice" on some cheap material before I go cutting and bending the expensive stuff.Menard's also had cheap tinsnips and rivet punch for sale (saved 18 bucks on the two) so I will return the stuff I got from Lowe's. Didn't realize Menard's pricing was so much better than that of lowes. Wish I had one in town like I do lowe's /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/tongue.gif
  5. dzabler

    dzabler Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    that is awesome!!! i got all the info you were looking but it seems you have it under control...remember you always save BIG money at menards...i was also going to tell you about the bigger size, one has a 10 inch diameter and one with a 14 inch
  6. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    So here is what I cam up with. All I have left to do is cut a hole and mount the socket. Any suggestions on how to do the hole? LOL I am stumped and I don't want to get bending the crap out of the nice metal. I also still need to remove the blue protective film, but I will probably leave that until they get mounted just to keep dust and stuff off while I can. No sense in taking it off before I even have a canopy to mount it to :) 66 bucks in total including the reflective metal, tools (tin snips and rivet gun) and a pack of 100 1/8" rivets. [​IMG]
  7. Gered

    Gered Experienced Reefkeeper

    +2 / 0 / -0
    Looks like they turned out good! For cutting the hole I would try a hole saw or a step bit ( http://www.mkmorse.com/step.html ) Just make sure to tape the area off first to keep from scratching around the area. I have done this plenty of time on aluminum race car bodies and works great.
  8. dzabler

    dzabler Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    thoese look awesome...nice diy work
  9. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Nice work Bela!!! I am officially putting you in the DIYer ranks!!

    Again good job, and yes I would use a step bit or a nice hole saw.
  10. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks. I'll try and find that bit today and cut a hole. Still waiting on the bulbs...

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