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Dosing kalkwasser with a calcium reactor

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Actuary, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. Actuary Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Adel, IA
    +145 / 1 / -0

    I have been using a calcium reactor to keep my Ca, alk, Mg nice and stable for almost 2 years and am currently dealing with painfully low pH.  Even when we get a warm enough day for me to open the windows I'm still stuck with pH around 7.8-8.0 depending on the photoperiod.  I am currently considering dripping kalk along side my calcium reactor to try to help with the low pH.  A few years ago I used kalk in my ATO before I had a calcium reactor, but I have since become much more retentive about keeping my parameters stable and don't like the idea of kalk in my ATO as much anymore. 
    Is anyone else dripping kalk in addition to running a calcium reactor?  What kind of a setup seems to work well for you?  To give myself a little more control compared to an ATO I have considered just dripping it from a bucket with an aqualifter (could even use my apex controller to only do it at night). I'm a big fan of controlled automation and have also been considering a kalk stirrer... does anyone have any experience with any stirrers and have a recommendation?
    Any input would be appreciated!
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    +24 / 0 / -0
    A Ca Reactor and Kalk go hand in hand with each other. Kalk is a balanced ALk and Calcium additive with a Ph of about 12 and will help keep your Ph more stable especially if you use a ca reactor. If your Ph drops more at night it would be more beneficial to run your auto top off only at night with kalk water to steady the Ph and keep it from falling as much when the lights are out. I always recommend never using a top container with enough volume that if or better yet when something does go wrong and it is all dosed to an aquarium at one time (it's not if equipment will fail but when) it will not be enough to drop the salinity to leathal levels for the aquariums inhabitants.
    Another added benefit to using both is that you may be able to dial back your CA reactor a bit since you will be adding ca and alk by 2 methods. This may also reduce the amount of co2 that you are releasing into the aquarium through the reactor effluent and help with Ph.
  3. Actuary Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Adel, IA
    +145 / 1 / -0
    Thank you. Been doing some research and have decided to go ahead and go with a kalk reactor. Considering one of the two options:

    I'm currently leaning towards Precision Marine's reactor because of the quality construction even though the Aquamedic has a magnetic stir bar instead of a recirc pump. Either way, will I need to go with a peristaltic dosing pump or should I be able to get away with an aqualifter and maybe a pinch valve?

    Always open to thoughts!

  4. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    Very informative (and accurate) answer Jamie!!/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/w00t.gif
  5. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I run my Kalk Reactor right through the sump not the ATO, the feed pump is hooked to my PH controller that way I can set the on and off points and it keeps my PH very stable.

    Only down side to this is to check your Ph probe regularly for calibration, or if you have the capacity run two PH probes in case one goes out of cal.

    By doing it this way you don't have to try and keep track of your evaporation, and doses, as evaporation can change from day to day and season to season.
  6. Actuary Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Adel, IA
    +145 / 1 / -0
    You don't have any issues running tank water through the kalk reactor? I have seen a few sources which say to avoid doing that since it will cause calcium carbonate to precipitate out. I'm thinking I will try to get it dialed in so I have 1-2 gallons per day coming from my RO/DI resevoir into the kalk reactor. I will run my ATO seperately and it should still need to trigger on since I evaporate 2-3 gallons per day. That way I will avoid any seasonal fluctuation due to varying evaporation rates.
  7. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    First, how does the corals & tank look?

    A smart person once told me not to chase PH. 7.8 is not horrible.

    That being said. You can drip your ATO through the Kalk at night when you ph falls & it will help. Keep an eye on your parameters as it could affect them as well.
  8. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    +24 / 0 / -0

    Not a good idea, what is your mag level at? Running saltwater through the kalk reactor will precipitate the magnesium out of your water, the 3rd most important element in the water.

  9. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    No issues at all!! You can cause calcium carbonate to precipitate out with an ATO just as easy! Its all in watching your parameters, and not adding to much kalk at one time.
    As far as mag goes as long as you perform regular water changes the mag is not an issue as it is not absorbed by anything to any extent!
    I've been running it like this since Macna and have had no issues, except my PH probe went out of cal once.
    I still need to add a Cal reactor as my cal is still not high enough 380-400.
  10. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    +24 / 0 / -0

    If it's working for you I guess thats great, but it goes against everything you read and the advice from some of the best known minds in the hobby.  pH isn't something that you should be that concerned with if your ca and alk are were they should be.

  11. ninjazx777 Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines, IA
    +7 / 1 / -0
    Avastmarine.com has some nice kalk reactors at a great price that's where I bought mine from
  12. Actuary Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Adel, IA
    +145 / 1 / -0
    Gah, I wish I would have seen those reactors before. That's the most reasonably priced kalk reactor with a stir bar that I've seen. I ended up going with Precision Marine's kalk reactor which uses a recirc pump to mix it up.
  13. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    I'm putting that K1 on the wish list for Grove & Platt I think...
  14. sean

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I use the Two Little Fishies KW 300 reactor. Works good and it's inexpensive.

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