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Email Notifications, Website Maintenance & Updates

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JB, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    A few "webmaster" notes regarding our website...
    [list type=decimal][*]I would appreciate it if everyone would please take a moment to verify that you're email associated with your GIRS account is correct.   We are getting a lot of bounced emails coming from email notifications being sent to email addresses that are no longer valid.   This is a semi-big deal because some of the bigger email services out there don't like it if a site repeatedly sends email to a bad address.
    I am going to go through all of the bounces and delete accounts that are bouncing and are either obviously fake or haven't logged in in a couple of years.  However, there are several bounces coming from very active users, so please double check.  Otherwise you'll be getting a PM from me and you might find that your account eventually gets removed!
    [*]I am in the beginning process of another round of site updates.   You can expect to see some changes in the next few weeks (well, maybe months, but they are coming...).   Periodically, I like to evaluate the structure of the site and see if anything could be reorganized so that it's easier for everyone to use/understand, especially new users/members.
    If you have any thoughts or suggestions about how things could be re-organized or even new features you'd like to have added, please post them here and I'll use this thread as a reference when I'm re-organizing things.[/list type=decimal]
    Note:  I already know that many of you want better mobile support.   I want it too, but my hands are somewhat tied for the time being.  Yes, there are mobile apps for forums, but none of them currently work with our portal software.   If such software becomes available, I will make sure that it gets added to the site ASAP.

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