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Discussion in 'Des Moines & Ames Region' started by Zoobie, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Chris C. Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines, IA
    +46 / 0 / -0
    Doors should be unlocked!

    Call 515-710-1899 if you have any problems. If there's no answer text that number. The service in the room isn't great.
  2. Tadpole

    West Des Moines
    +1 / 1 / -0
    What time do the door open. Just leaving home to head that way, I've got about a 45 min drive. Where do we park?
  3. Zoobie Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +51 / 0 / -0
    There is parking across the street on the corner. The arm will either be open or will open for you.
  4. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0

    Hey everyone, I figured something out when I got home. I needed to "re-position" a sheet of Nori and found a way to break it up nicely in the bag. Made a quick video.

    Just be careful not to break the bag seal open while kneading it!! It takes just a few minutes but works really well

    Use the link below, or maybe the embedded video will magically work eventually

    The food in this video has been approved by the Dachshund Inspection Team.


  5. Maureen Experienced Reefkeeper

    Urbandale, IA
    +329 / 0 / -0

    I did almost the same thing. I discovered that the nori was softening and breaking where I touched it so I kneaded it without opening the bag. It took a little longer but had the same results. It is nice to know that we can add the whole sheet of nori and not have to take the time to tear it up before we add it to the bags!
  6. daalbers

    daalbers Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +24 / 3 / -0
    I just wanted to thank everyone for showing up and Bud and Zack for getting everything it went really good
  7. malibu74

    malibu74 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Another smooth event . Nice seeing old friends and making new .
  8. Tadpole

    West Des Moines
    +1 / 1 / -0
    Than for the great event. I enjoyed getting to put faces with some of the people that I have been talking to on here. I also got to see some old friends. I learned a lot from everyone today, a lot of good information that I didn't know.
  9. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    It was epic. 70 lbs of food from start to finish in just over 1.5 hours. The effort put in by all was fantastic!!!
  10. Mike-2


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sorry I didn't make it. I ended up getting called in to work earlier then expected.
  11. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0

    Allrighty, so I finished up re-writing the "instructions" per Saturday's event to pass on to the CR group.

    I've attached the Word doc, so if anyone wants to look it over quick and see if I missed anything, I'm sure the CR group and anyone else wanting to do this in the future can use any pointers!!

    Ok file upload is not working....
  12. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0

    General food processor notes

    Fill with about 1.5-2" of seafood to blend

    run for about 5 seconds

    Open processor and use spatula to “fold” the food from the edges to the center

    run for about 5 seconds

    That should be all you need for most, squid and octo might need another turnover & blend

    Remove blade before dumping into keg tub and wipe out container with spatula or gloved hand & tap blade on inside of keg tub. Don't wipe blade with your hand (sharp)

    Other notes

    If you really want to, strain all of the soak water in each step (squid, octopus, cod, shrimp) with a brine shrimp net to catch all the "fines" and put that in the keg tub. We did not do this, there are plenty of fine particles in the other additives, plus it’s a pain – I tried it at home…

    If I had to give you an outline of who does what and when, it would be:

    1-3 people thawing, RODI soaking, rinsing, etc

    4 people cutting up octopus and squid, 1 person on the processor after soaking

    After squid/octo is cut up, put those 4 people on cutting shrimp/cod

    1 person processing scallops/krill/PE after soaking

    After scallops/octo is done, run both food processors on shrimp/cod duty (because of the long soak process, the timing should work out)

    Anyone not cutting should be popping cubes. This takes longer than you think, there are a buttload of cubes. I think we had at least 4 people for 30 minutes on cubes.

    After all seafood cutting is done and mixing has started, shift people to bag prep (nori) and cleanup of knives/cutting boards/buckets

    When ready to start bagging, we put keg tub on floor with a table on each side (really one long counter at central campus) and had one person filling cups and setting them on the table. Then we had a scale on each side and basically a line of people from center to end where one person weighed and dumped, then next person held the bag open for the dump, then passed it on to someone who cleaned the zipper, then the last person to flattened and burped (which you will not need to do, see the bagging instructions). With it done this way, the bagging process goes very fast.

    Squid/Octopus Crew

    remove frozen squid from packages and place in RODI until solid ice is gone, but squid is still mostly a frozen block (might need to thaw a bit more, it will be hard as a rock)

    Use big knives to chop up while still partially frozen

    Do not let octopus thaw much at all. Ice is softer for some reason

    Cut blocks of octopus into 1" wide strips with large knife (constant pressure, be careful as it will split suddenly)

    Use big knives to chop up strips while still partially frozen

    Once either the octo or squid thaws completely, it gets very difficult to cut with a knife.

    Remove beaks and/or tendons if you can (squid sometimes have clear dime sized tendon, octo should be beak-free)

    Combine squid and octopus into common 5g bucket, 1/2 full of RODI

    5-10 min RODI soak (while chopping is fine)

    Strain with colander & fish net (big white one) or just grab out handfuls

    Blend with food processor briefly (about 2" deep in processor)

    Add into keg tub

    Shrimp & Cod Crew

    Thaw in tap water in sink until separable. This can be done several hours ahead of time but don't use hot water unless you need it thawed quick – then use warm water.

    Cod thaws fast – take it out of the packages. Shrimp is in blocks and takes longer – break up the big block into smaller chunks as it thaws to speed up.

    Chop into 1-2 cm pieces

    5-10 min RODI soak. Stir regularly. Use 2 buckets if you have them (there is a LOT of shrimp and cod) stir often (not continuously, but every minute or 2

    Strain w/ colanders, Resoak

    Strain w/colanders, Resoak (again)

    Blend with food processor briefly

    Add into keg tub

    Scallops, Krill, Mysis


    Dump frozen scallops into RODI - 5g bucket (1/2 full or less should be fine)

    5-10 min RODI soak / thaw

    Strain w/colander

    If time, chop each one once

    5-10 min RODI soak

    Set aside


    Float krill bags in sink until separable. Krill are pokey. Don't use nets to strain and watch your hands

    Dump krill into RODI - 5g bucket 1/2 full. This will get nasty looking

    5-10 min RODI soak

    Strain w/colander

    Repeat this process up to 3 times total, until the water doesn't turn all nasty looking

    Set aside

    PE Mysis

    Thaw flat packs in warm water in sink

    Rinse in nets under cold tap water (water will look very dirty)

    Continue until water is not quite so nasty but not too long

    Rinse once with RODI (pour over net)

    Drain (in net)

    Put 1/2 in keg tub, Set other half aside to blend (no biggie if you forget, we did)

    Blend together:

    I found that doing about 4 or 5 batches in the Oster food processor was about right. Probably less in the Hamilton one. Use about 3x as much krill per amount of scallops, that seemed to work well.

    Run each batch until the mix starts to be evenly mixed and “turns over” on it’s own (won’t take long, may want to fold it once). Scallops blend really easily which is why you add only a small amount.

    Add into keg tub

    BSD Cubes


    Remove each box individually from freezer right before popping

    Pop cubes into 1g buckets

    Watch for pieces of foil. Also watch hands. Had a few people actually cut themselves on the cube tray edges believe it or not

    Place cubes in 2g ziplock bags (you will need about 3 or 4)

    Thaw cubes in warm tap water (this will take about 30 minutes or so, don't use hot, just keep running the water to keep it warm & massage the bags carefully

    DO NOT rinse or strain

    Once completely thawed, pour in keg tub

    BSD Daphnia (the gallon-ziplock-size greenish frozen blocks (2 of them)


    Remove frozen block from bag (rip it off)

    Place in 2g ziplock bag

    Thaw in warm tap water similar to cubes

    DO NOT rinse or strain

    Once completely thawed, pour in keg tub


    Start mixing with the drywall paddle. Low speed is really all you need but keep in mind that this is hard on the drill because It won’t get ventilation at low speed. You might want to take the bit off and run the drill unloaded at medium speed for 30 seconds to cool it off several times throughout the process, or else you will smoke the drill (we almost did).

    While mixing, the bit will collect the larger pieces of squid and octopus that did not get chopped up. We removed these and put in a separate bag for someone who had an aggressive tank. You could also cut them up and put them back in. The former is easier.

    Items to add directly to keg tub while mixing, after all the seafood is added and mixing is started.

    BSD Copepods - 1 Jar

    BSD Roe -- 1 Jar

    Zoe Marine - 1 Bottle

    Garlic Extreme - 1 Bottle

    3mm Pellets (add last, right before bagging) - 1 Jar

    Vitality - 1 Bottle

    **ZoPlan - 1 Jar

    **PhytoPlan - 1 Jar

    **IMPORTANT** ZoPlan and PhytoPlan jars have a dessicant packet in them! DON’T DUMP THIS IN WHILE MIXING UNLESS YOU WANT TO FISH FOR IT (like we had to)

    These following items have been halved already so just dump in what you have

    S.E.L.C.O. Boost - 1/2 Bottle

    AZOX - 1/2 Bottle

    Vita-Chem Marine - 1/2 Bottle

    Reef Roids - 1/2 Jar

    Reef Plus - 1/2 Bottle

    Phytoplankton - 1/2 Bottle

    Marine Snow - 1/2 Bottle

    Mix until you get a homogeneous looking mixture. Drywall paddle should do this very well. Remember to add the pellets.

    Bag filling process

    Place one sheet of each color nori into ziplock. Reach into the bag and crunch up the nori. The more the better, but don’t spend a lot of time on it.

    Fill solo cup with food and dump out. There will be some food stuck to the inside - this is ok.

    zero the scale with gooey cup on it. Fill cup to 16oz. This should be right near the top of the cup

    Alternatively, you can zero out with clean cup, fill to 16 oz, dump out and re-weigh so you can see how much "clings" to the cup, then add that back on. So if you zero the empty cup, fill to 16oz and it reads 1 oz after you dump it, you need to fill each cup to 17 oz if that makes sense.

    Get half a dozen solo cups going, fill them, weigh them quickly (no need to be super anal) dump in bags. Pour cup into bag over nori. Helps to have someone with 'clean' hands holding bag open, another dumps the cup

    Use wet towel to clean zipper of any food so that it can seal

    At this point we have in the past been flattening out the bag and 'burping' the air out. Here is where I suggest a change – refer to the YouTube video I posted

    Leave all the food at the bottom of the bag and massage it until all the nori is covered up/wet

    burp most of the air out of the bag

    Leave these sit until you are ready to put in the freezer (at home)

    At that point, you knead the bag until the nori is all broken up

    Flatten the bag and crack one corner of the bag, spread the food out and push the air out to that corner, seal, even out and lay flat to freeze.

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