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Feedback: Create an auction section

Discussion in 'Website Items, Issues & Feedback' started by Kungpaoshizi, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
  2. tangers Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +155 / 0 / -0
    When I was in orca (orlando reef care takers association) we used to have auctions occasionally at club meetings...like every 3rd meeting etc... of course those meeting tended to be larger than the other meetings...but it still drew a larger crowd and still drew people to the club! People will ultimately find a way to get the things the way want and or at the price they want... I agree that everyone seems to see a problem with this and at the same time everyone seems to have a problem with "no one interested in the club". All I keep hearing is noone wants to join the club...noone stays in the club...or noone comes to the meetings. If it's the same people turning the same circles they have for the last 10 yrs things won't change. So... I mean no disrespect by this post...more or less just an outsider agreeing that it may be time for a change...time for a change that brings new people in. Reguardless of the net auctions I propose that we start auctions during club meetings a few times a year. Also just a side note...a portion of these auctions also went back to the club to raise money...money that can be used for events or trips also things that can help draw in a new crowd or help pay for a portion of someone's trip to LA to ultimately bring people together. That's the key isn't it?? We are all in this because we are all into saltwater?? We are all in this to educate ourselves and others and promote good practices in the hobby and in the environment? So what if we use a auction to draw some more attention to the site and or meetings... attention is just another form of advertisement in my eyes.
  3. mpivit Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +28 / 1 / -0
    I agree with this, but the reality is you can't force people what to post or read. This is not because BST is getting too large, it is because people are not contributing other posts.

    I notice the same thing on other "local" club sites as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015
  4. bladerunner Well-Known ReefKeeper

    des moines
    +9 / 1 / -0
    I'm almost for this except I haven't read anything about the cons. A huge one would be a known company or the "private ebay" sellers could see this as a small gold mine. That might not be horrible but then you have local dealers, which have been discussed, catch on to this and then all the sudden jack up the prices. These local dealers don't want to lose money or maybe they find this is cheaper either way but eventually it will circle around.

    Another big problem could be the reputation of the club. If you have one bad auction no problem but if you have multiple bad auctions then it will make GIRS seem like it filled with untrustworthy users.

    Finally would this make fall/spring fest not worth it any more?
  5. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    The auction forum wouldn't be for ebay sellers ect.... it would be for local members.

    I dont think that would hurt spring fest or fall fest at all... thats like saying selling anything on here or buying from websites hurt the fests. Or the frag show that i had last August with 10+ vendors hurt fall fest..

    I just bought a tank out and have to many corals i bet i buy more if i see something i like lol (yes i have a coral addiction)

    It would be more of the reputation of the winner of the auctions if they dont pay cause then they wont be really trusted in the club anymore.

    I see everyones points but i would like to liven the club back up with something new and i think this will do it as i have seen the overwhelming support and activity on the facebook groups.

    I get really upset when i see someone say ah just super busy its summer we dont do anything during summer.... well i find that hard to believe your not on vacation the whole summer im sure theres time for the club or the position that you voluneered for..... Im busy also but i make time for the club and took charge of leading the meetings in our area.

    I have been posting discussions and have gotten great feedback from the club as well has others. So lets keep that going for sure.

    But lets try something new. I personally think this should be a club member vote.

    Lets work together here lets make girs like it was before when hobbiests helped other hobbiests out which i personally do quite often by basically giving corals away and i know several others that do also.

    Be open to new things

    This might be a little jumbled lol im tired from working a 14hr day.
  6. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Friend request us on Facebook it will be easier to see what Justin posts ;)
  7. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    I think you misunderstood my statement. In no way was I trying to say that we shouldn't have a b/s/t section. In no way was I saying people shouldn't come to the site to look for deals to upgrade/ start out in the hobby etc. Or that people shouldn't be able to post items for sale on the forums. There is nothing wrong with that. Although we do make limitations when people use the forums STRICTLY for selling. My statement was more that we don't want this site to be ALL about the b/s/t section. As @xroads@xroads said there needs to be more substance than that to keep an active and engaging forum. More traffic and discussions about the hobby and general. More topics to add to the knowledge base and educate those who are wanting to get started in this hobby. That is the purpose of this club and this website.

    I see this almost as a contradiction- you hate putting a price tag on items to local members who you consider more buddies than random people, but yet you want to be able to sell in an auction format so you can get the most money possible from it out of the "local market".
    What's wrong with just listing a price and selling an item? If you decide to help someone out and cut them a deal then great. When you try to make as much money as possible it seems, to me anyway, that your priorities aren't really about helping other people that share in the same hobby as you. Not saying that's your intentions at all, just an observation and another point of view.

    We have had a GIRS facebook page for years. It is linked on the homepage. We have been off an on with using it and updating it depending on how much time people have to keep some action going. Even when posted to frequently to try to engage discussion it's never really had much action.
  8. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    Well. I like the Auction idea as long as it's limited to current paid members. Maybe even put a minimum number of posts or be a member so long like Bud mentioned earlier. I also think it will bring in more people to the club.
  9. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    On the frag auction place you are limited to 10 auctions that can only last for 72hrs then the post is deleted after 24hrs from the time it ended. Which by then the seller and or winner has contacted each other which the winner has 24hrs to pay for the winning auction
  10. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    I should add that I have never and probably won't get anything off of an auction. It's not that I don't think they are a good thing. I just see something I want and if I like the price I buy it right then. I don't like waiting a week or whatever and trying to out bid someone. If I want it I buy it right then. Some people love that kind of thing. Look at Fleabay. I personally don't participate. But if it draws people to the club I like the idea as long as it's restricted somehow so it don't turn into a daily junk sale.
  11. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    A lot of people on the frag auction place have a buyout option or the bidder bids the top dollar of what they are willing to spend on the coral.

    It works out really well. Plus i think i have a couple sps that you might want now ;)
  12. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    Lol. I bet you do.
  13. bladerunner Well-Known ReefKeeper

    des moines
    +9 / 1 / -0
    As they say "I have no dog in this fight." I can kind of careless either way.

    To address the ebay, vendors, or public shop owners. Unless your regulations for being able to auction are:
    • Must be Iowa resident
    • Must provide proof or residence
    • Must be a paying member
    • Must have 1000 forum posts
    • so on and so on
    You wont be able to keep them out.

    To address the pricing issue. Buyers go to an auction to get that $10 coral for $5, while sellers go to auction to sell the $5 coral for $10. No buyer ever goes to an auction to pay more and the its the exact same for the opposite. No one auctioning something wants to sell their stuff for less when they could of just put a price tag on it and sold it for more. If you want to give someone a deal then simply make your corals cheaper, easy as that.

    Again I'm not voting either way but some facts need to be stated.
  14. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    You dont have a choice but to sell it. Justin and i start most of our bids at $1 with $1 Increments it sells for what it sells for.

    I won 3 polyps of adonis for $300 they sell for over $175pp the seller had no choice to send it otherwise he ruined his chances for ever selling anything again.

    I think the thought process on this is wrong

    Paid member yes
    In the state of iowa yes
    Active member yes

    As for the rest i dont think thats right 1000 posts is a lot

    The risk is ultimately in the sellers hands
  15. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    If a person doesn't want to bid they dont have to...

    I also think this should be in the open forum with the rules must be a paid member to bid non paid girs members bids will not count. So that the people coming to the site see the auction forum
    --- Auto-Merged, Aug 13, 2015 ---
    Just another perk of being a paid girs member
  16. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Wasnt the original purpose of the club to bring fellow reefers together in iowa to share knowledge, corals and other equipment

    Make sure you dont leave out the corals and equipment part out...

    There is lots of for sale posts, there are lots of posts about experience in the hobby, problems ect imo all is welcome cause we build our knowledge and corals together.

    We are all landlocked Iowa reefers lol
  17. Drewster

    Cedar Rapids
    +55 / 0 / -0
    I would agree with having some restrictions as to who would be able to bid on auctions. However with aggressive restrictions it negats the hope of drawing in new members and more activity to the site. Or at least worth while activity. What I mean is that if you put restrictions of a certain amount of posts, or number of likes or things of that nature then you're starting to promote random and not so helpful activity by new members just so they can achieve access to be able to bid in an auction.
    I like the idea of auctions for items, its a fun and exciting way to sell and I can see the draw to bring in new members and increase regular activity in the club and on the site. Should there be rules, definitely! Should they be realistic, definitely! What are those rules/regulations? That's what really needs to be discussed lol
  18. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    Which is why having things like # of posts AND # of likes required = community feedback driven access. Means that not only do you have to post, but you have to post things that people actually think are good content.
  19. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    But 1000 posts is ridiculous.

    I know im golden for posting I have lots of likes and im well over 2500 posts but ive also been a member for quite some time now.

    The thought process with having a certain amount of posts and likes will not go over well considering not many will be able to post. Lets make this user friendly to draw more people into the group to become paid members truthfully everyone thats a paid member in the state of iowa should be able to post in any forum.

    Once again this is a new idea to gain interest in the club and add a fun activity to current members
  20. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    I think he was just giving an example. RC is like 50 posts. Don't read into it too much.

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