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Feedback: Create an auction section

Discussion in 'Website Items, Issues & Feedback' started by Kungpaoshizi, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Kinda like the photo contest that is up right now a fun way to get people involved. The prize is something i donated which im losing money on but its fun. Like when i give away coral to help someone out it makes me happy....
  2. abower Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Ryan, Ia
    +74 / 1 / -0
    First paragraph, restated the gambling "its fun".

    The BST is not dead. Other than this discussion post it bears 80% of the forums postings during summer months.

    No one is threatening to do postings boycotting a live auction. Let's not get ahead of ourselves with the fear of intrusive postings.

    So, other than the gamble of it, what is the benefit of a hobbiest auctioning their coral over barrter?
  3. abower Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Ryan, Ia
    +74 / 1 / -0
    I'm not starting a fight. I just think more needs built on justifying expanding the clubs BST to BSTA. Than we want some entertainment. Many of the justifications I've heard are as bad as political campaigns. False facts (The BST is not dead) and justifications that sway from the actual subject (would raise membership numbers with the club).
    I don't think expanding the BST to boost membership is the goal.
  4. wouldtick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +85 / 3 / -0
    I dont agree with the gambling statement and know that you were quoting and didnt state it. When gamblng you rias losing your money without anything to show for it. Auctions, you control your own odds. If you are a responsible audult then auctions are a great way to get items far below retail. On two separate occassions i have purchased 10 or more frags off of ebay from the same sellers to save on shipping and got frags for 10 to 12 bucks a piece when averaging them out with the shipping costs. The only gambling i did was buying it sight unseen which sometimes the pics are photoshopped. My thoughts at this point are to let the board review at this point. Maybe the board will leave it up to the members via a vote? Either way i dont see why this is a big deal. It wont turn this website into ebay, the BST forumn didnt turn this site into craigslist. The misc forum didnt turn into a site where people are trying to hookup for "companionship" if it becomes a part of the GIRS site then if people dont want to participate then people dont have to. Only my opinion, but i do think there is merrit in removing the BST posta from the home page and keeping that to info relating to the hobby. The new site allows me to customize all the notifications i want and eliminate or not subscribe to things i dont want to read or participate in. This is a great group of people and i am grateful for all the help people have shown me the past year and a half. I wouldnt be successful without a huge trial and error rate without this forum. Thank you all who have been great to me. I dont see how an auction can ruin that piece of thisbin anyway.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015
  5. wouldtick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +85 / 3 / -0
    Sorry for the typos. I am on my phone and that was incredibly long winded.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015
  6. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    At what point does this "club" start to trade quantity over quality. All i have heard for years is how many members we NEED, how much traffic the site NEEDS, honestly its done nothing good for this club. I went to springfest this year, first event i could make it to in probably 3 years, it was like watching wolves on a slaughter. Whiever can buy whatever first, no knowledge on half of what was being purchased, half the people didnt even know what they were selling. I got into an arguement with a vendor selling "named corals" because he was yipping about another vendor who was selling "named corals" and that wasnt right, thats the pot calling the kettle black. Honestly this looks like a great business opportunity to those set up to sell frags, beings the biggest promoter has the tag "the frag man" seems abit obvious the motive, but what do i know. On a last note its sad to see some of the long time members leaving this "club" but i do understand their positions. We were here when the club only had 30 memebers, 600 dollars to our name, we built it from the ground up, each laying our bricks in the foundation, now it seems we built a corner frag market rather than a family friendly reef community
  7. F.D. Reefer Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Fort dodge
    +98 / 1 / -0
    Very well said glaspie69
  8. Roman Experienced Reefkeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +321 / 3 / -0
    Me personally I get wrapped up in buying selling trading myself but with that said I would hate too see it become a marketplace with no substance at all about saltwater enthusiasts. I have been a member for years and seen lots of long time members fade away without really knowing why they left. Maybe some of the people who still have numbers of these folks should poll them and see what they would like to see since a lot of them were founding members with the insight to bring the club to the level it is now. Just a thought.
  9. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Eh i have a lot of frags from my overgrowth in my tanks saw i could change it so i did. No motive behind it. Truthfully i could care less if it goes through but it was just a new idea for the club. I started a thread where I DONATED so LRS food which i basically give corals away as it is now but its ok.

    Im upset of the lack of activities in this club we used to do a bunch in the areas but with the lack of leadership we rarely do anything.. which i also took charge of in our area so we are actually doing stuff now.

    So as for the name i typed in i most likely wouldnt be posting the auctions but you can assume what you want.
    --- Auto-Merged, Aug 15, 2015, Original Post: Aug 15, 2015 ---
    There is that better
  10. Kungpaoshizi Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +39 / 1 / -0
    Well, I guess people have a lot to say :)

    I personally just wanted to auction, versus outright selling, because with an auction, I can set a date to end it, and give everyone an opportunity to bid(buy) but it's out of my hands on price, and those who want to squabble may do so. I really dislike posting stuff for sale, and then you continually get low-balled. So I was just wanting to start low, not have to pay attention to the post, and then check back in a few weeks when it's over. I of course wouldn't set prices too low, but not too high, and any negotiating would occur between other people in the form of their bids, and not myself.

    I think one thing that has become a huge negative in the club, is the power-plays, and distance. As more sites on the net become available, information has increased, so the GIRS site is no longer "as special". And to even meet up for some meetings etc, people have to drive further if they live out in the boonies, so being a member isn't so special. Heck, to add to it, for those who are semi anti-social and have busy schedules, 20$ a year only buys you the vip BST section. If that was a requirement for auctions I know many would just take it to ebay or current FB auction pages to avoid the greed of 'you must pay the club this!' because there's really no need for it.

    I know a few years ago, there was some big situation over money in the club. Not sure if some was stolen, or what the case was, it was kept fairly quiet. (which I don't agree with because I think a club needs to be open in every way) But it goes to show the biggest point, in which some mention "maybe we should only allow sponsors to auction" and that is, everything in this world CAN be affected by greed. Which, out of principle, I know many stay away from clubs asking for money. But as you can see, people don't make things as simple as they can be.

    For as much as some people here seem to "want things for the club" I don't think they realize, a lot of people join the club to just hang out. Many don't want to give you any money, as we're not all rich, and when it comes to priorities, the difference between coming to the site, and going to fb/ebay, is about ease of sale and of course profits. If profits are viewed as a bad thing, it's probably because of personal feelings and not for the benefit of the club as there's more ways than monetary scenarios to benefit the club.
  11. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    I think you need to become a member and attend a business meeting if you think the clubs goal is to take as much money as possible from its members and sponsors. I'm not going to go into much detail here as its not relevant to non-members, but we basically try to even out the amount we give back to the club and community with the amount we take in.

    From digging around. Our club is one of the more lenient ones when dealing with b/s/t from non-members. As in we allow non-members to post items for sale. A lot do not. I didn't find a single one that allowed any type of an auction. Most won't even allow linking to auctions.

    Is there anything wrong with discussing ways to improve the club. Absolutely not. But we also need to keep in mind the goals of this club and the reason it was created in the first place and make sure any changes implemented fit to that. Providing a place for members to get together to sell things isn't one of the reasons.
  12. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    I wanted to address this comment as I'm not sure what you are referring to here. There has never been an incident of theft of club funds or even an alleged one. The annual business meeting presentations are in the members section and financials are not kept secret from this meeting. Aside from a web server upgrade a few years back (going to a dedicated server) and the recent transition, the only thing I can think of is that there was a fair amount of discussion about what to do with available funds (mainly, MACNA proceeds) such as buying club equipment versus donations or establishing a formal donation program, both of which were done or are in progress.

    Maybe you're thinking of another club?
  13. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Are you thinking of CMAS @Kungpaoshizi@Kungpaoshizi ?

    I heard they had an issue with that
  14. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    That's much more recent...
  15. Kungpaoshizi Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +39 / 1 / -0
    Idk, I wanna say it was awhile back but that might just be my memory getting old :) Not sure of the specifics as I just ignore drama these days but I know a few people were pretty sour about something financially related.

    But BlackX-Runner, that's a perfect example. I've been a member for a couple/few years,(but since I didn't dish out 20$ this year I don't count) but you seem to have a pretty odd tone with this statement, and I'm sure it could be a factor in why some avoid the club..
    'I'm not going to go into much detail here as its not relevant to non-members'

    Perhaps I'm reading into it too much, but it seems rather arrogant. Hell, I was even a member still when I lived in Wisconsin, so please do not think I've not contributed. I've really never asked for anything from the club, but please do not act like the 20$ subscription deems one worthy or not..

    Good luck fellas, I believe this thread has reached it's conclusion for me!
  16. Fence13 Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines
    +300 / 1 / -0
    The idea of sponsors only doing auctions is an interesting one but it would cut back on the number of auctions. On the other hand, I can see the "average joe" using it as a way to get rid of corals that grow too fast. For example: I have an SPS coral that grows fairly quickly, but i don't have a lot of room. I could use an auction to sell of the pieces I'd otherwise have to throw away. That way it's more fun then a B/S/T post that sells something for only $2. #reeftankproblems?
  17. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    I wasn't singling you out. I just wasn't going to post specific dollar amounts and details relevant to club transactions and business in a public forum. If this were the club business forum that only club members could access and see then I don't have a problem posting them because it's just that - club business- not information that needs to be posted all over the web.
  18. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,821 / 14 / -0
    One of my favorite e-mail footers/disclaimers is one by Dave Barrick (my web host and former MASNA President):

    It's very difficult to write messages in a manner such that the text does not get interpreted in the reader's voice in their head with added tone/voice/inflection.
  19. F.D. Reefer Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Fort dodge
    +98 / 1 / -0
    Could give away to new reefers
    That's what I try to do, when possible
  20. reading threw these posts, the club was never designed to be "profitable" and it would be just as easy to link girs in your forsale/auction posts on other forms/groups/ebay/clist to advertise and promote the club.. from what i read the potential sellers are concerned about the bottom line( money/profit) ( were not asking for it but wouldnt want to give a % dont want a cap, dont want a post limitation, requirement for participation that you must contribute positively to the club.

    you could utilize tank tours to hold live auctions which would involve members new and old and promote the forum in a way that wouldnt clutter up the forums and be 100% BST&A

    if your sole reason for being in the hobby is to try to frag, attempt to make money, i think your a bussiness not a hobbyist but thats just my personal oppinion. other than the money exchange where is the personal relationship/friendship/knowledge exchange? it turns it into a fight for the almighty dollar

    i think it would be a bad idea for the club to seriously consider this let alone go ahead with this, im not shure if to many of you were part of the freshwater local clubs, but the buy sell trade and arguments within killed us and then the facebook groups came out and we all dropped like flies

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