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Fish eye explosion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sblomgren, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. sblomgren

    sblomgren Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +2 / 0 / -0
    I have a naso tang.  He is very dark for a naso but not the point.  His right eye literally looks as if it exploded.  There is like a white/clear film around the edge and what looks like the clear cover of his eye hanging there.  Otherwise he is swimming and eating and acting normal.  I snapped some pictures but have never had luck loading on the site.  Any thoughts?
  2. Big John

    Big John Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have been experimenting with Seachems KanaPlex at AC&C on a Coral Beauty and Morish Idol with "Popeye" and it is working! The Seachem rep stopped by the store this past Wednesday and said it was one of their most popular medications.
    It is Reef Safe!
    Good Luck!
  3. phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sounds like popeye, usually caused by an injury like them scraping their eye on a rock etc. It usually heals on its own, but it can lead to permanent vision loss. What I have done is to crush or finely mince a garlic clove, take some good frozen food your fish likes and soak it all with a little SW for ~ half hour, then feed. I do this daily until the swelling goes down.  I take out the garlic pieces if they're big. Good luck, hope it clears up quickly.
  4. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    +1 Fawn! Yeah popeye usually goes away on its own. Although I've seen it take months!

    John you guys have a moorish?! They aren't on the new Hawaii White List, you better hold on to him! I don't know if you've got him eating well or not yet, but I read in CORAL mag a couple of years ago that one way to get them to eat is by collecting dandelions, plucking off the yellow flower and just keeping the tube/stem, then you boil those till they turn white (and thus look like sponges) and then pack them with mysis/rotifers etc. then put them on a feeding clip and apparently it tricks the moorish into eating prepared foods other than just sponge (since that's their primary diet in the wild). Coming to see you guys this weekend btw john!
  5. Big John

    Big John Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Andy I'm not sure what that list is you are talking about, can you elaborate?
    The one we currently have in stock is eating a wide range of both frozen and dry foods, when we are lucky enough to get any in, we always offer sponge to them and I've never seen them go near it.
    I hope this list you have mentioned isn't a bad list-----cause I think this evening we are to receive 3 or 4 more directly from the Islands!
  6. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Wow great to hear he's eating well for you! That is typically the biggest hurdle for keeping moorish idols alive is getting them to accept prepared aquarium foods. It's always nice when real sponge is an option! like in a fish store. I don't know what specific types of sponge they normally diet on but perhaps what you guys were giving it wasn't something it found pallatable?

    The white list is the list of acceptable species to harvest from the hawaiian island archipelago. Reportedly it was suppose to go into effect at the end of January and would have effectively banned the collection of some of the rarer, endemic, and hard to keep species from entering the aquarium trade. The moorish idol wasn't to be included in the white list (and thus would be banned from collectors) but, as you know, it's a political hot bed there and perhaps some legislation was over turned or amendments were made to include some species. I will like to hear if what you ordered actually comes in! I'll try to find some updated information on the white list. I know during a number of orders I've placed when I was transshipping back in the day, at times I would only receive 1/2-3/4 of my actual order.

    Cya this weekend john!
  7. ctrenary

    ctrenary Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

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