I was thinking about selling some of my fish and i was just seeing if there was any intrest in them before i try to catch them. 1 yellow tail damsel fish, 5 Banghai cardinalfish, and a scooter blenny. Im not sure what there worth so ill have to figure that out. also any ideas on the best way to catch fish without taking all of my rocks out? I'm looking for a fish that will eat the caulerpa and sea lettuce growing in my tank but im limited by my 55 gallon. any ideas?
I would try a small/med yellow tang. But caulerpa grows pretty fast - he might not be able to keep up. Several in the club have fish traps. But, you can try making a trap also out of a pop bottle. I'm sure many will post some details.
Been thinking of a couple of the cardinalfish...Where you located and what price are you looking for?
I would be interested in 2 cardinals depending on the price /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif No good way to catch them, that I know of with a lot of rock in the tank. Get as big a net as you can and use another net to kindof corral them on one side but it may take several trys.
Well im trying to find a fair price for them but cant seem to find the wild caught ones or if it even matters. there seems to be a wide range of pricing for them from 10.99 for tiny ones to 45 for large. soo just pm me an offer. I'm located in jefferson
Posted By tje22 on 06/02/2010 05:25 PM wow this is extremly dificult... I may have to take all the rock out True...cardinals only "look" slow. Mine is wild fast, when he wants to be. btw...$15 is very cheap. I've mostly seen them for $30 to $40 in the LFS.
Man i really dont want to take all of my rocks out right now. I will if someone really really wants me to but i think id rather wait till i upgrade to a larger tank. I dont want to upset anyone so ill do it if i have too