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Flow/cyano question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kylie, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. Maureen Experienced Reefkeeper

    Urbandale, IA
    +329 / 0 / -0
    Maintaining a PH of 8.4 should help get rid of the Cyano.
  2. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    yeah what is ur KH!!! anyways?
  3. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I'll do the full panel water test tomorrow to let everyone know my results. For now, I'm tired and bonding with my Brians while we play on our laptops in bed. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/tongue.gif

    As for flow, we mentioned various things about Tunze or vortech pumps. A few ideas got tossed around so I'm curious what anyone would thing would be the best pump combination for the tank I have, that you saw today, and what would carry over into a 90g. The 90g will probably have a similar style of rock scaping. I almost always do my rock the way it is now.

    I'm trying to figure out my budget and see which I could be getting. If I could get away with just some more koralias or something cheaper, then I could possibly get a controller. Otherwise, I guess it'd probably be a more responsible idea to get the nice pump(s) now and wait for xmas for the controller since that's not as vital.

    And I still need to get that reactor going... that'll help a lot I'm sure /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif
  4. Dave Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines Area
    +450 / 1 / -0
    I have not personally used these pumps but they seem to have a pretty good review and are quite inexpensive for 2 pumps and a wavemaker for $100. Obviously, they do not have the capabilities of a vortech but at 1/5 the price they are certainly budget conscious and might be worth a try.
  5. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't heard of that brand before. I'll look into them /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif
  6. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I think those would be too small. I know it says up too 100 gal but that is pushing the bare minimums for a 90 imo.
  7. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Ok. Do you think some K3's or K4's would cut it or would the vortech be such an improvement over those to make the increased price worth it? A new version K3 ($45 on amazon) pushes about 1050gph and the newer verions K4 ($52 on amazon) pushes 1400gph. And the evolutions (newer versions) can be put on a synchronizer to do alternating currents.
  8. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    the vortechs are worth every penny. 1 will cover your entire tank. I have 2 now but 1 was working well. plus if you ever decide to upgrade again, that is one less thing you need to buy, again.
  9. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Did I hear them correctly saying at mp40 would be good for a 65 going into a 90g? I think thats the size they recommended to go across the front/main of my tank, then sticking my current koralias in the back to point through the rock to kick up any junk trying to settle.

    Also, do you need to have a controller for a vortech? I don't have one yet, and won't probably get one for a while then.
  10. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    they have their own controller. And yes, I ran 1 mp40 in my 90 for months till i decided I wanted to be one of the cool kids with 2. even with just 1 I was able to create a pretty large wave in my tank.
  11. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    I got 2 old tunzes (10yrs) with a controller for 150 (i know lucky me) that i have to have on at under 60% for a 6 foot long 135G. I also have a k3 and ak4 blowing crap out of my rock and along the back. SO, you can find cheap but good powerheads out there I think the Tunze do an awesome job just keep your eyes open for some cheap ones here and RC and Craigs list are good places to watch.
  12. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Good to know /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif Thanks Nik and mthomp. Now I know what to look for and will keep my eyes open WIDE! hint hint to anyone debating on selling theirs /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/wink.gif
  13. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    Also for cyano I have only had 2 outbreaks of it but I have used a product called CHEMICLEAN both times and within 2 days it was gone. I know people are against using additives in tanks, but I have alot of nice and sensiticve corals and an anenome and it did not affect a single thing in my tank except the cyano. I know you also have to get to the cause but for some reason mine never came back after I used this (2 seperate tanks) and you such a niniscule amount of it. just my opinion.
  14. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    Sorry can not type this late, you get the idea.
  15. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yes, I get the idea (and i completely understand the feeling of not being able to type what you're trying to think!!) I'm going to give the GFO and possibly new pumps a try. If that doesn't work, I'll check out the chemiclean
  16. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    Stuff works GREAT!!
  17. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    only problem with chemiclean is if you dont find the cause of your phosphate problem cyano will just come back. Kylie one thing many people over look is their storage containers. it is a good idea to wash them out with a little bleach once a month.
  18. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    As stated " I know you also have to get to the cause". I think in my case it was overfeeding. But anywho after I used it and cut back on food and increased flow where it was at (alot easier to stop after it is all gone) it did not come back.
  19. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    are you talking about the precipitate that forms in mixing containers? Because I think RHF dismisses it as a non problem: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-07/rhf/index.php#2
    As for ChemiClean, yeah it works. But not attacking the root of the problem has a tendency to cause recurring issues. And there's really no telling how it effects bacterioplankton communities throughout the tank long term. I think microbial communities will become and increasingly important component in gauging marine aquarium health. I have a few experiments that I will like to design and run once I have more space and time (after I move and graduate).
    And.....what is your KH again? lol
    BTW your phytoplankton is Nannochloropsis oculata, and I left my phosphate meter at Deb's so I will have to get back to you on that! lol
    You could always sell that gas guzzler you got and buy a boat load of MP40's or Tunzes! haha ttyl
  20. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    no andy Im talking about the containers we store our ro water in well i at least store ro in 5 gal jugs. and if you do not wash them out bacteria can and will form. to fix this I use a cap full or 2 of bleach along with some ro water to clean them out

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