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Advice? Flow

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by corey.nolta, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. corey.nolta

    +79 / 0 / -0
    Is there such thing as too much flow? I have a 60 gallon (4' long) tank currently running with one power head rated at 1300 gph. I have noticed some nuisance dead spots in my tank and have thought about adding the other power head (same make/model) that I have laying around. Would two be too much? If not, what would be a good placement for the second one? (My current one is placed back left corner facing front center glass / slightly down).
    The reason I ask is that I have two mushroom colonies and they always look their best when I take out the powerhead to clean it and there is no flow. And unfortunately I am not able to move them unless I completely redo my rock-scape and take everything out, which I'm not to excited about the thought of that.

    Live stock--
    Yellow tang
    Tomato clown
    Lawnmower blenny
    Red anthias x 2
    Carpet nem

    Variety of coral frags (softies, lps, and sps)

    Thanks for any input guys and gals!
  2. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    I would try the other back corner or front corner. I like Alot of flow and all my corals seem to like it. Try it if they close up or look bad move power head and direct flow else where.
    I have had the best luck with power heads that you can pulse. Most corals don't like heavy direct flow but rather indirect pulsing if that makes any sense.
  3. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,818 / 14 / -0
    I would say yes, some corals like higher flow and others do not. If you have a big enough system, you can position rocks and power heads for different flow in different areas
  4. corey.nolta

    +79 / 0 / -0
    Will play around with it tonight and see how everything looks throughout the night into the morning! Thanks for the tips
  5. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Such a thing as too much flow? Yes. But the position of the flow and type of flow are more key in that equation. I think lots of flow is better, and as long as your corals are happy and you don't have dead spots continue to up the flow and change it around until you find that sweet spot. With a 4ft tank unless you have something like a gyre to move the entire column of water you're going to need more powerheads in there.
  6. Fence13 Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines
    +300 / 1 / -0
    You'll have too much flow if your soft corals shrivel up and your lps starts to show bone and refuse to open up. Aside from that, you won't have too much flow.

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