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Forum Moderation.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mthomp, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    First off I want to thank everyone that took the time to contact me about this most recent situation. Unfortunately it is near impossible for me to so much while I am at work and driving a truck but trust me when I say it was being monitored as best as I could.
     I also want too add that while there has been some cases of drama for lack of a better word recently on these boards please do not let a few bad apples spoil your interaction with GIRS. JB has said this numours times that our boards are clear of a great amount of issues like this then most, but because we are not as large as many places, the times it does occur it stands out like a sore thumb. That does not mean we aren't watching as I for one tend to at the very least browse every single thread. What we do not want is over moderation and perhaps because of our fears of over moderation we have gone in the opposite direction and under moderated giving the impression we do not care what happens. Nothing could be further from the truth.
      Threat of any kind will not be tolerated and this recent issue has been handled accordingly. While we tend to  lean towards leniency in most situations there are those that none will be shown.
    I would expect some new forum guidelines in the not to distant future so that everything will be clear  to everyone as to how we expect every person that uses this forum to act.
        Thank you once again and feel free to contact me or any board member if you have any questions.
        Mike Thompson.
  2. Tickyty

    Tickyty Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for addressing this. I was beginning to think this was the norm and tolerated. You typically see that kind of behavior when you're totally anonymous but with this being such a small organization, relatively speaking, where you actually may know the person or have a strong possibility of meeting the person was a surprise. I commend you on taking action cause it shows that the organization as a whole takes this serious and won't tolerate it.
  3. erayk1 Well-Known ReefKeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    Coralville, IA
    +35 / 0 / -0
    Obviously I missed something... I haven't been getting on the forums as much recently, but I sure hope people aren't getting stupid on here as I do enjoy being part of the club and having the forums available to us all.
  4. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Just a little perspective: We've had over 1200 people register on this site and the board has had to take action (ban, etc) against 4 of them. That's less than a 3rd of a percent. The vast majority of people on this site are good people that don't have any problem getting along with others online or in person.

    Mike is right that it's a delicate balance for moderation. On public forums there will always be disagreements (even between friends). The BoD has traditionally tried to stay out of it as much as possible, but when a certain line is crossed, then they really have no choice but to step in and take the appropriate actions.

    I'd also like to point out that just because it may look like the board is not doing anything about a problem user, that may not be the case. There are usually a number of private warnings issued to a user before a more permanent action is put into place.

    I believe that the board has done the best job then can given that they've really been put into a no win situation.

  5. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Since this topic has been brought up oh so many times recently, maybe it would be a good idea to add some more moderators? I am honestly not sure if that would require elections as per the GIRS code, but it is a thought. The more mods you have, the higher the likelihood of one or two of them being on at all times. Just a thought.
  6. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Bela, every officer has mod tools so that is around 12 people that have moderation capabilities. While I agree more moderation is needed I think it is more of a issue of making sure everyone knows how and when to use them.
  7. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Oh, ok. That makes sense. Just based on your original post it seemed that the moderating was up to you completely, hence my confusion (maybe I read it wrong). Honestly, this is the least moderated site I am a part of (not saying this is a bad thing, just a fact). I wasn't sure if the issue was just spreading out the work or what. My next recommendation, if I may, is to discuss with board members what/when/how to moderate. If the case is we have 12 moderators and there is only one moderating, the end result is you knoly have one moderator. Make sense?

    By the way, not trying to be critical. I have had a bit of experience moderating forums and sometimes it just takes getting mods to understand what needs to be moderated and what doesn't.

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