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Advice? Frag layout

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by corey.nolta, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. corey.nolta

    +79 / 0 / -0
    So I'm looking for some input from you fellow reefers. Today I met up with a local reefer and he gave me an awesome deal on some new corals. Got about 14 nice sized frags of a variety of sps and lps. They were all fresh cut from his tank as they all needed trimmed back. I got home, glued everything down to some small rubble rock pieces (not a fan of plugs) and threw them in my 20gal QT/Frag/Misc tank to let the glue set up.....And that's where I'm stuck. I don't know how to move forward with putting them into my main tank so they don't look like I just threw them wherever. What are some of your tips/tricks to make an eye catching scape? I know the requirements of the pieces, but just want to make sure it looks aesthetically appealing. No one likes an ugly tank ;)
    (the pieces will need to be glued down, so it's basically a one shot deal so I want to get it right)
    Let's hear from all you fish tank interior designers :p
  2. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,818 / 14 / -0
    Well according to Mr Saltwater Tank you should leave them in your 20g QT for 60 days so you have time to decide I guess :lol:
  3. violet21chewy Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Des Moines area
    +46 / 0 / -0
    you might want to just move them in semi-permanently. you will want to watch tissue expansion and for the sweepers on the lps and make sure when they extend they don't get near anything. if you can keep from gluing down until you know for sure you will be much happier. I had an acan expand too big and touch a Yuma and it melted the acan. lesson learned.....

    then you find you get more stuff later and have to re-arrange again anyway. :)
  4. corey.nolta

    +79 / 0 / -0
    @Turbo's Aquatics@Turbo's Aquatics, I actually was originally planning on leaving them in my 20gal for a bit, just to heal up before putting in my display tank. But the guy I got them from suggested not doing that and said my main tank would be more stable and to put them in there.

    @violet21chewy@violet21chewy, how would I go about doing a semi-permanent set up? I can't just set them in there--flow and crabs/snails would knock them over. I've already ran into that a few times before.
  5. violet21chewy Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Des Moines area
    +46 / 0 / -0
    Super glue gel. Use enough to stick it and you should be able to break it off when you need to. Just use enough to stick.
  6. I just drill a hole in the rock and put the frag plug in. Eventually you cant even see the frag plug because the corals grow over it. Theses palys are on a plug that you can no longer see.

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  7. corey.nolta

    +79 / 0 / -0
    So I have a slightly different question but don't want to start a new thread for a quick questions. Will sps/lps frags be okay on the sand bed for a day or two? I'm running (2) 165w led units, one of the units being right over the area of the sand bed. Tank is 24" tall and light is about 8-10" above water and nothing shadowing the frags. Had an issue with my nem so I had to switch gears for the night. Will my frags be ok for now?
  8. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    Yes they will be fine. I start mine out on sand and move up over 2-3 weeks. Then when I get them were I want I monitor how it looks. Sometimes where I want it and were it's happy are way different. Be prepared to move some around.

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