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FS: 180G Full Blown SPS Reef Apex Controlled

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by sminker, May 6, 2012.

  1. sminker

    sminker Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Selling my 180G SPS Reef. Unfortunately its time to part with my system, I no longer have time to give it the love and care it needs. Ive had it up and running for 5 years. Just about all the livestock is 3+ years old. The bulbs are getting close to replacement time. Heres a list. Im sure I missed a few things. Asking $3750 For Total System with EVERYTHING in my house that is tank related. Price will be Close to $5000 if I break everything up. The APEX Controller is less than a year old. The SPS Colonies are HUGE.

    Purple Tang

    Yellow Tang

    Powder Blue Tang

    Blue Hippo Tang

    Kole Tang

    One Spot Foxface

    2 Clowns

    6-Line Wrasse (Fat and eats alot)


    Blue Linkia Starfish (2 years old)

    3' Cucumber (this thing is ENORMOUS)

    Various other starfish and cleanup crew

    Probably more livestock that Im forgetting

    200LB Live Rock

    120LB Live Sand

    3 Different LARGE Pink Millipora Colonies

    und-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">Green Millipora

    ORA Green Birdsnest (XXXL)

    ORA Pink Birdsnest (XL)

    Aussie Wall Hammer

    4 Acan Colonies

    ORA Green Frogskin (XXL)

    Leng Sy (2 colonies, XXL)

    Orange Monti Cap (XL)

    ORA Red Planet

    ORA Tri-Color

    Various Mushrooms

    Various LPS

    Bubble Coral

    Various Zoo's (large green colony)

    There is more than just this list, just cant remember everything

    180 Reef Ready Tank

    2 Lumenmax Elites

    1 Lumenbright Pendant

    Coralvue Ballasts (400w, 400 select-watt, 250w)

    Neptune Apex Controller unit

    rgb(255, 255, 255); ">-2 EB8's

    -Temp and PH Probe (xtra calibration packets)

    -Linksys DDWRT Wireless Router

    -2 BRS Dosing Pumps

    -Muliple Switches and Float valves

    4 Hydor Koralia 4's

    1 MaxiJet 1200 Modded

    4-5 more Hydor Koralia Various sizes

    2 250 watt heaters

    Octa NW150 Skimmer with Sicce PSK2500 pump

    Rio 5900 Return Pump

    20G Fuge with maxijet return pump

    2 Blue 55G Barrels

    2 Brute 44G TrashCans


    Fragging Supplies (plugs, glue, eggcrate, multiple fragging shears)

    5G Bucket of BRS Calcium (pretty much full)

    75GPD RO/DI unit with replacement filters

    Hammerhead Glass Cleaner

    Lots of Misc Plumbing equipment and other tank supplies

    ="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">[​IMG]


















  2. sminker

    sminker Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    pictures can be found here
    The tank is in Blue Springs, MO
    Just outside Kansas City, MO
  3. Brandon9400


    +1 / 0 / -0
    If you were closer I would buy some SPS from you.GLWS
  4. Reefman

    Reefman Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If you were closer I would be interested in the tank.... And the Acan Colonies.... Too far to tote things...
  5. MXC207 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Rapids
    +7 / 0 / -0
    Very impressive colonies indeed. Same as the last few tho, way too far of a drive. Good luck!

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