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FS: Biocube 29 plus extras

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by jimmy_beaner, May 12, 2013.

  1. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0

    Now that I have fully moved into the 90 gallon tank... I have a Biocube 29 "left over". Now, I could keep it and use it as a frag tank and all that, but I don't really have that interest.

    So, some things that were with the Biocube:

    Hydor Slim Skim Nano Protein Skimmer

    MaxiJet 1200 for pump (IIRC)

    Koralia Nano powerhead

    Small heater (again, will look up manufacturer if necessary).

    inTank media basket and the other drop in (I think it's a refugium thing or something)

    It's the CF version of the tank. I have the actinics but not the whites. I also have some DIY leds I put together for use on it. They still work just fine though I think a bulb or two may show a little wear (they're ~2 years old). The LEDs fit into the plastic splash shield and have two potentiometers for independent dimming of Cree Royal Blues and Cree Whites.

    The entire back wall is covered in coralline, though I did just drain the tank water last night.

    I'll throw out $350 OBO for all but the LEDs. Being that they are DIY, I'd want buyer to look at them first.

    That would be tank, hood, stock actinic bulb (white bulb would need replaced), SilenX fans in hood, heater, upgraded pump (I have the stock pump as well if you want it). Small koralia nano powerhead, inTank media basket, inTank refugium, inTank Fish Saver, the Hydor Slim Skim Nano skimmer. I've never sold used equipment, so if you feel I'm off the mark, prices are negotiable.

    Selling of the tank will pay for the rest of the full spectrum DIY led set up for my 90.

    Let me know if you have interest. All of it is sitting in my garage now that the temperature is warmed up (was never in there when it was cold... just came down a couple weeks ago). I'd obviously like to not ship it. Pics available upon request.
  2. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Does it come with a stand?

    Stock 29 biocubes with what your offering with it usually go for like 150 maybe on here....
  3. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    First time selling used fish stuff. I don't have a stand, but I also have a lot of extras. I guess I could mark them individually? That might have to happen later this week.
  4. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    If you throw in your led setup thats old also you could probably get 200 but idk.... is all of your extras that are coming with it 2 years old?
  5. gearhead

    gearhead Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Not worth a whole lot i have bought and sold bio cubes on here for 100 150 at best with no stand because u can get a new hqi cube for about double that and saltwater equipment is worse than a car after you take it home its only worth about half of what you bought it for
  6. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    No, not all. For $100, I'll keep it for my son. Thanks. There's no point in me giving it away for no reason.
  7. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    If I remember correctly on price, I had figured it about 50% loss. Perhaps the Biocube price has come down since I bought it, but to give away all the extras is a bit silly.
  8. gearhead

    gearhead Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    wasn't trying to insult anyone i was just saying that tanks are not selling for much on here because members buy sell and trade all the time one day you might find a cube for a hundred bucks, the next day you might find a hundred gallon for a hundred bucks but used tanks don't sell for a lot of money
  9. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    I wasnt trying to make you not sell it I was just letting you know your basically asking a brand new price for a biocube that 2 years old no warranty and a light that doesn't work with no stand and old equipment.... for your biocube you can get like 100-150... the intank stuff ive seen them go for like 50-100 for all of it the ,skimmer 30, maxi jet 5 ect but like I said I got and have seen complete setups with stands go for 200 on here
  10. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    It isn't that the light doesn't work, I misplaced the bulb. The ballast works just fine. The protein skimmer was used, but is less than a year old and was only used about half that time. The powerhead... also about 6 months. The refugium basket was used for a month or so. The media baskets were used pretty much the whole time... but they don't really show wear and tear like a mechanical part. It's possible I had worked out the LEDs into the $350 and forgotten (they were over $200 in parts alone, as they are all Cree LEDs and Meanwell drivers, independently dimmable). At the end of the day, an AIO system that I already own with the parts is worth more than $100 to me, even if it just sits in the garage until my kid is old enough to start thinking about fish. At the end of the day, very few of the items are "age dependent" (pump/heater).

    I do have a pending offer on the LEDs. My biggest goal is to pay off the heatsinks and drivers for the rest of the full spectrum LEDs I'm putting together for the 90. I like to use hobby stuff to pay for other hobby stuff... but I don't mind holding onto the tank if I'm going to give it away and still not pay off the full spectrum stuff.
  11. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    I said 100-150 for the tank itself... brandnew they are 289 with all brandnew parts lol.... so 50% loss is 144.50 for the tank your intank stuff 50 to 100 for all of that skimmer 30 ect
  12. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Just trying to help you out bro
  13. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0

    I appreciate the help... I think we just had a miscommunication. Perhaps tomorrow I'll work out a price list for all the components and what not.
  14. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0

    Sorry for the delay... end of semester grading and all that. I do have a list of prices for individual components. As an update, I found the white bulb... so the hood is "complete". The hood also comes with SilenX fans (a common "upgrade&quot[img height=20]/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif[/img] instead of the stock fans. They are whisper quiet and move a lot of air.

    As with any of these parts, they are somewhat negotiable though I would prefer some of the parts go together. The following is simply an Excel sheet that has the components and a price I felt was a fair asking price. I would be willing to do a discount for someone that wanted all of the parts (even without the LEDs). I have been offered the $80 asking price for the LEDs, so those aren't really negotiable. They wouldn't be available at all except I haven't received payment yet. The Hydor protein skimmer was rarely used. I had an issue fitting it into the the first chamber that holds a constant water level so it wasn't able to skim as well as it should've. The inTank refugium basket was also not really used much (this is the slot that is next to the Media Basket, I ended up putting the skimmer there and eventually just leaving it open). I do still have sand in the tank. Please send me a PM with questions or offers.


    Asking Price

    Biocube 29

    Hydor Slim Skim Nano

    MaxiJet 1200

    Koralia Nano PowerHead


    inTank Media Basket

    inTank Refugium

    inTank Fish Saver

    $262 ***



    $342 ***

  15. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    I'd love to move some parts if you're interested. Will be posting on some bigger forums soon.
  16. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0

    Just some pictures...

    inTank media basket. Could still use some cleaning.



    Koralia Nano PH



    Hydor Nano skimmer





    Fish Saver, inTank media basket, inTank refugium basket


    Fish Saver


    MaxiJet 1200 - really only interested in selling this with other things, I can always use it to mix up salt.

  17. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0
    Skimmer is sold.
  18. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0

    I have decided to keep the MaxiJet 1200 and either the heater, or I will include the heater with the Biocube for free. The parts are now for sale on ReefCentral and 3reef.
  19. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0

    inTank baskets and Fish Saver sold. Leaves the LEDs and the Biocube.
  20. jimmy_beaner


    +2 / 1 / -0

    Pictures of the LEDs as they sit getting boxed up.


    You can see a little LED burn on one LED, I have close ups.


    "normal" LED


    Driver, Pot, Plug






    And again, independently controllable color channels (White and Royal Blue, XML whites, both Crees).

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