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Green Mandarin Dragonet for sale!

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Rachael, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Rachael

    Rachael Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have a 6(?) yo Green Mandarin Dragonet for sale, she's a pretty little thing, about 2" long, lovely color and well-fed.  I can email a picture of her from April to anyone interested.  She eats frozen foods (piscine energetics, rods reef) readily, and she's a great hunter when left to her own. I've never tried flake or pellet, but I doubt she'd take anything that didn't sink.  When I had male mandarins she would do courtship dances, but if you've ever experienced this, you'll know that carrying eggs is very hard on female mandarins and this one slimmed down considerably.  With an aggressive feeding schedule, I'm sure she'd be fine.  $20 obo
    I have a few random corals. All of them are currently recovering from a long stint of apathy I had last year.  
    Purple digitata $5 obo moderately-hardyBlue tenuis (was gorgeous and something like $80 when I first got it, but I nearly killed it last year) $10 obo sensitiveCyphastrea sp. (barely there) free sensitivePurple montipora (I used to think it was that grape monti, but really, it could be anything) $5 or $10 depending on piece moderately-hardy"The lump" A Montipora that forms club-like uprights and loves even the terrible life. $15 Stupid-hardy.Acropora sp.  Some easter-egg green/purple/yellow acro that doesn't mind even the worst treatment.  When everything else was dying, it was growing -- slowly -- but growing.  Now that things are on the upswing, it's doing phenomenal.  Stupid hardy.  On a giant piece of rock $25.
    There may or may not be others.
    Live rock! $1 a pound?  I will say this:  I have cyanobacteria out my ears, and Wetwebmedia had informed me that my mystery critter is Nausithoe racemosa, which I have nearly everywhere. also, neither are dangerous, but if I were you I'd dry the rock and use it as dead rock.  
    I'll get to pumps and stuff later, thanks all!
  2. saltwaternewbee

    saltwaternewbee Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Pm'd you
  3. fmsill Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Falls
    +6 / 0 / -0
    Pm sent
  4. Rachael

    Rachael Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Sorry everyone, I meant to include it -- I'm in Downtown Des Moines, in the East Village if you're familiar!
    I forgot to mention, I have a big frogspawn - 25+ heads. Skeleton alone is larger than a softball. Expanded, the thing is massive. $70 obo   The clowns I sold loved it, but I don't think frogspawns take too kindly to this variety of abuse.
    I have claims for the mandarin, tenuis. acro and possibly the rock.
  5. Crazysal

    Crazysal Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    PMed yo

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