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Group Salt Buy - Get your Salt here!

Discussion in 'Des Moines & Ames Region' started by jtesdall, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    Hi JetSke,
    I happy to see you getting benefit from GIRS. This salt buy however is a members only perk. No problem though, all you have to do is click the Join GIRS link above and join the club. As you can see here your annual dues of $20 will pay for themselves many times over.
    Thanks for coming to GIRS!
  2. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    So far 9 RC and 1 IO paid for...just and update
  3. ninjazx777

    ninjazx777 Experienced Reefkeeper

    I paid for mine today
  4. Tony L.

    Tony L.

    Put me down for a box of Reef Crystals. I'll be in before then end of the week to pay. Perfect timing on this order, just opened my last bag today.
  5. daalbers

    daalbers Well-Known ReefKeeper

    i paid for one box rc tonight
  6. JetSke

    JetSke Inactive User

    no problem, didn't know i needed to thanks
  7. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    Doing this from memory at home........lol but I think this is correct. So far I'm up to 12 RC and only 1 IO (which i went ahead and let bud Pick up). MIGHT have enough to go ahead and order the RC for Wednesday THIS week....going to re-tally when i get to work....
  8. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    yes thank you for letting me pick that up. Did sum total of 170 gallons of PWCs in the last week (2 tanks and my back hurts now)

    I could *probably* pop for another IO box, if it's needed to get us to 20...
  9. shepone24


    Ok, just a thought here. But I always see support your LFS on here, and as a des moines group only 6-7 people need salt? If we can't step up as a group and buy more than that we will stop getting these types of deals.
  10. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

  11. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    UPDATE: 10 people have now stopped in totaling 17 boxes of either IO or RC. Close enough for me. We are going to order Monday so if anybody still wants in....it HAS to be paid for by end of day Monday. I'm close enough to the 20 to order.......but would like to get as many as possible. I can't imagine that there aren't more people out there in need of salt (out of 200+ members)...so now is the time to get it while you can cheaper than usual!!!
    Thanks to all that continue to support us!!!

  12. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    OOps...forgot Joel's 2 in there also...so plus 2.....
  13. Tony L.

    Tony L.

    Tim -
    I always appreciate the opporunity to buy salt at a cheaper price, as does everyone else I'm sure!! I was at the DIY food meeting today and the trustees mentioned that you guys were a big help in supplying our ingredients. So a big thank you to your continued support of the club as a great sponsor!
  14. Bud

    Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    Tim, I can take another box of regular IO SS to put it over the top. I'll use it. I'll try to stop in and pay Monday. Wish I had thought of it while I was in paying for the 120 today.
  15. IASeascapes

    IASeascapes Inactive User Vendor

    Just letting the ones who paid know the salt is in!!! Thanks again guys!!!

  16. daalbers

    daalbers Well-Known ReefKeeper

    I picked up mine thursday
  17. mcclandy


    I will be in this weekend for pick up. Thanks in advance.

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