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Hello Friends!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sponge, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    I hope the 2 Regions' Christmas parties were a huge success! I really missed the fun times the Ds Ms Region always has at Christmas, and visiting with everyone there! I just couldn't make it:(

    Quickly I wanted to let everyone know that I feel bad about my absence, lack of contributing and helping over these past several months, sorry! My life has been and is still just silly crazy. :cry: Trying to do everything for TNT Corals, the family and still helping others in the hobby is truly overwhelming but we all know how I am:rolleyes:

    Today was a sad day for our family. Our niece has had a very aggressive cancer these past several months, and yesterday afternoon she passed. This has taken my time away from GIRS also. It's never easy losing a family member but Rod and I, our children and their families made sure this was the best Christmas ever for Heather, Cody and the 2 youngins' (3 & 5yrs)! My daughter and her cousin literally loaded the SUV with presents and headed to the Missouri-Oklahoma border!! It was heartwarming to see the smiles on all their faces when the Christmas tree was surrounded by dozens of presents!!! "Thanks" to all of our friends and family for gifts and money, and the presents donated by Iowa Methodist Hospital/Unity Point (Des Moines) ER Department!!!!

    And now, on to better things and hopefully soon becoming an active member again! I have had recent contact with the BoD concerning TNT Corals, LLC. becoming a Premium Member or Sponsor asap! If approved, TNT Corals will be having a "very special Grand Opening" sale right here...and ASAP:D We will do our best to meet your needs at Dy-No Mite prices! No corals for sale for this Grand Opening but I'm pretty sure you will like what you see!o_O

    So, without further ado, watch for it!! Thanks again for your understanding of me being MIA these past months!! Cheers Mates!!

  2. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Sorry for your loss Terri
  3. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    Sorry for your loss. Congrats on getting TNT going.
  4. Roman Experienced Reefkeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +321 / 3 / -0
    Sorry for your loss. Especially when one is so young :(
  5. ERG


    +22 / 0 / -0
    Sorry for your loss
  6. Zoobie Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +51 / 0 / -0
    Sorry for your loss
  7. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper GIRS Member

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    So sorry for your loss Terri.

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