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HELP!! really frustrated with my tank!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by smw0522, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    ok so my cleaner shrimp just died yesterday.:-( He was probably my favorite to watch and a lot of my new snails/crabs don't seem to be making it either. I don't think it has anything to do with the critters they were fine when I put them in, it's just my tank. glass and the rocks and sand are super brown and just looks bad. I did 2 water changes this week and now have my salinity where it needs to be. My phosphates are still WAY high. I am at a loss on how to fix that though. I've bought new lighting, got a new skimmer, do water changes every week two every other week, have limited the lighting on my tank, oh, am running phosphate remover in the back. Seriously is there anything I'm missing that I haven't already tried????? Please help!!! Thanks....
  2. psulion


    +0 / 0 / -0
    How long has the tank been setup?
  3. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    8 months now.  I've gone through bad hair algae, then cynobacteria.  Finally kicked both of those, but now I'm not sure what this is.  It's not thick algae, I can't pick it up off the sand or anything it just disenegrates (spelling??)  WHen I try to blast it off the rocks it floats around then lands again. 
    Oh and I forgot to mention as I've heard overfeeding contributes to phosphate probs.. I only feed my fish 1 time a day a really small amount.  I tried every other day for awhile but that didn't seem to make a difference.  I have 2 clownfish and 1 firefish.
  4. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    so I'm reading this article that talks about using limewater.  Anyone ever dosed with limewater to rid of phosphates??? have no idea about amounts to dose??? 
    I've used the pickling lime to rid of aptasia and that worked pretty well.  but thought none of it was supposed to touch any coral so don't understand how that would work.  Maybe limewater is different than pickling lime???
  5. vikubz Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Falls
    +8 / 0 / -0
    Is this the 29 gallon you mentioned in a previous thread?

    What are your nitrates at? How much water do you change at a time? How much is your skimmer producing? You mention a new one, is it working well?

    The smaller the size of the tank, the tougher it is to keep your parameters correct. You mention getting your salinity fixed. If your parameters got too messed up, that could explain your inverts dying.

    Probably you're just going to have to keep up the water changes until you get you get your nitrates/phosphates down. You could do 10% twice a week for a couple weeks and that wouldn't hurt things I don't think.

    Post some more specifics of your tank and we can provide better help.


  6. agent-o2

    agent-o2 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    You should probably pinpoint the source before going after the cure, What's you water source, for top off and mixing up?
  7. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    yep, same tank.  Nitrates are fine, low, close to 0.  I changed almost 50% of the water out twice the last couple of months because I'd put in red slime away to get rid of cyno and wanted to do a good water changes afterwards.  Now I"ve done 2 in a row water changes of 10% every other week. 
    I've messed with the skimmer wetness a lot.  It's now producing a lot I have to empty it every other day or so.  It has a decent amount of grime in it. 
    The salinity problem came at a bad time, just as I put in my new inverts.  Sounds like that was the prob. with my inverts dying.  The specific gravity measured all the way to the bottom.  Now it's right on.  I'm so confused at how because I had never had a salinity prob. before. 
    I use RO water. 
    I took a pic of what my tank looks like now and I could try and get that on my photobucket account.  I just have to find the time!!   
  8. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I don't think limewater will do a thing for you. That is just a way to maintain cal and alk levels as far as I know. What is your flow like? Sounds like flow may be lacking? Did you use "old" sand from another tank when setting this one up?
  9. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have the original pump that came with my oceanic biocube and I also have an extra pump in there for extra flow.  But, unfortunately it kind of works hit or miss.  Often after turning off the pump for a water change it doesn't work and we have to struggle with getting it to work again.  Good reminder though, I'd almost forgotten the extra pump hasn't been working since my last water change earlier this week. 
    Brand new live sand.  And actually I had just added some aragonite (not live sand) to my sandbed a few weeks ago as so much of it had disappeared when I was pulling out handfuls of red cyno.  I added more basically for looks.  The rock had been used previously in a tank that was flooded but it had been bleached before I placed it in my tank.
  10. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I guess another thing might be that the rocks absorbed a bunch of phophates over time and is slowly letting them back out. No experience with this but I hear plenty of people complain about it in other forums. Basically the tank the rocks were in previously was not kept up properly and the second owner gets to pay for it. It sounds like it is a nano tank? Is it feasible to replace the rock altogether?
  11. psulion


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Is it a gooey,slimy algae? Dinoflagelates? There is some anecdotal evidence that raising alkalinity can get rid of dinoflagelates.
  12. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    it's a nano tank.  oceanic 29 gallon biocube.  Have to say though previous owner kept it immaculate!!!!!!  It was in amazing shape!  Just gorgeous.   IT was actually in my classroom(I'm a teacher so was able to see first hand it was very well taken care of.    It previously had no algae probs whatsoever in it.    That's what got me interested in having my own at home was being sad to have lost the tank at work....So wish I could blame it on previous owner (haha) but have to take credit for this one myself.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    No one has asked about the age of your bulbs? How long ago were they changed?
  14. agent-o2

    agent-o2 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    have you tested your makeup water for phosphates?
  15. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's not slimy/gooey at all. When I try to blast it off with a turkey baster it kind of floats around then lands right back down.  Tried to do that right before water changes the last couple of times hoping to suck it right out of there with the syphon but doesn't work. 
    I just put brand new bulbs in a month ago I think it was.
  16. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    make up water... does that mean the water/salt mix solution I make for my water change??  I just mix my 5 gallons of water with the salt mix in a tub overnight.  Should I check that tub is that what you mean??
  17. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    just got home. things look pretty brown! fish are acting a little funny too. One clownfish keeps hanging out under the tunnel of the rock which he usually only does during stressful times like water changes.

    boy the skimmer is sure working overtime though. I cleaned it out and (nice visual I know) almost gagged it smelled so bad and there was a ton of gunk in there.

    I'll try and post a pic tonight.
  18. vikubz Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Falls
    +8 / 0 / -0
    Any chance there's a casualty or two under a rock?
  19. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    how much flow is in the tank? It sounds like the tank is going through an algae bloom, i could have been caused by to frequent of water changes or by the salinity dropping and possibly killing off some of the water column, having inverts dying (hopefully not a large number) probably isn't helping anything. I wouldn't change a bunch of water right off the bat until the cause can be pinned down. If your tank is cycling changing water will do nothing more than prolong the issue
  20. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    invert wise it's hard to tell how many casualties. i found my cleaner shrimp dead in the sand and took him out, I haven't found my new peppermint shrimp so maybe he's under a rock or is alive but hiding well??

    I can't tell how many of my crabs or snails are alive or dead. Should I figure it out and take the ones out that are dead? Could leaving dead snails and crabs in there be contributing to the problem???

    Here's my photobucket thread with pics I took tonight:


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