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HELP!! really frustrated with my tank!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by smw0522, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    I would almost bet that not enough flow is one part of the issue
  2. snowman82

    snowman82 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    sounds like its all detritius to me if it blows off the bottom and then falls back on it....just my input
  3. waterfowler


    +0 / 0 / -0
    I'm with glaspie69 on the flow. Looking at the pics it looks like the run of the mill brown alge. I get some after I do a water change but not a lot. I didnt have a good RO/DI. It sounds like your skimming out some dead critters and whats dead in there is not helping. I would pull out whats dead, get the flow going good, stop the water changes for week or 2 and check your RO source before and after you mix the salt in. See if thats the phosphate problem. Filters dirty, Old lights?
  4. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    ok good info on the flow. I had my husband fix our pump again for me last night. He usually has a tought time doing it as he has to try and get the top on while it's spinning for some reason but last night he got it on the first try.

    More bad news.... this morning I was feeding the fish and "Blaze" (my firefish) didn't come out to eat. I wonder how many other people name their fish? I took a look around and he was dead laying in the sand and a crab was trying to eat him actually. I got him out right away. Well not right away, amazing how hard it can be to get a dead fish out. I couldn't reach him with the net so had to used my hands which kind of freaked me out a bit. I'll try and figure out which snails/crabs are dead and get them out as well.

    I hope I can get this all straightened out, cause I'm on the verge of giving up and selling my tank I've had so many probs. Gosh at this rate I'll hardly have anything alive left to sell:-( Could the firefish have died from the low salinity problem I had earlier in the week even though it's straightened out now???

    Thanks for helping everyone. Sorry to be such a downer!!!
  5. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    make that tough time.:) not tought time:) trying to type this quick before heading to breakfast duty for K-5th graders the day before a break.  This should be fun!!
  6. rc1214b


    +0 / 0 / -0
    When it rains it pours huh kiddo,
    First looking at your new pics you have a diatom growth problem, what caused this could be many things... I'm sure you've had higher nitrate and or phosphate in the last month, the drop in salinity didn't help things as it probably killed a few inverts and I'm sure some forms of bacteria, crustations. Not sure how you got the salinity down that far by topping off for evaporation as that tank can't handle a lot of excess water before it's full again.. I would suggest checking salinity a couple times a week for awhile and before doing a water change make sure you know what your SG (specific gravity) is at. This will help you not add to the problem if it's off in either direction. Lastly the new bulbs are great for your corals but you don't have many so that additional output from them probably helped fuel what was already a growing problem. At least now you know your bulbs are ok :)
    I also am concerned about the problems you are having with the 2nd pump. While I had to mess with things on that brand of pump once I had it fixed it worked pretty reliably. I did notice that the intake strainer (thing facing the bottom) looks to have some buildup on it. This would block the pump from drawing in water and hinder it's output. Since you are down to a couple larger clowns I would suggest maybe popping just the strainer off ( should look like a dome with slits) to prevent clogging while you have lots of crud in the water. It also looks like it's pointing towards the back wall, I would suggest either facing it towards the opposite wall so it's a straight shot or turning it at a 45 deg angle to hit the right front corner facing tank. Also make sure the tab on the output is pulled down allowing the pump to blow full amount. When running it does move a fair amount of water so make sure these things are checked. Also when doing a smaller water change just slide the pump down the glass so it's still under water while you change your water, that way you don't have to keep starting and stopping it... it may need to be looked at closer or soaked in vinegar to free up the impeller shaft.
    So how do you move on from this point? Well I would make sure anything not alive is removed as in that size of a tank it doesn't take long to become a chain reaction /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sad.gif I would also remove what appears to be the remaining piece of a chili coral. It's not going to make it I assure you and will only decay rapidly causing this problem to run longer than it has to. I would probably pass on those in future purchases. After things are removed I would do one water change allowing you to clean up the water a bit for the remaining creatures. After that make sure that your carbon/gfo is changed out and refilling the media bag make sure you don't add too much of either esp the gfo as floating it is called passive filtration and while it works if you have too much media it can cake up which will make it less efficient. I'm not sure what else you are using besides the skimmer but make sure it's cleaned and running good. If you are using any of the pads in the first chamber replace with new... I used a pack of white filters you can by at Walmart, then just cut to fit in the four slots of the biocube filter cartridge. Take out any other sponges and rinse well. After that it's just going to take some time for you to establish a good bacteria population again, I think adding all the new sand left you with less bacteria that could handle the everyday waste then having some inverts die caused a mini cycle.
    I would not add anymore fish, inverts, etc untill your tank is clean and free of major algae for a month. If you can be patient and continue to read up on the basics of keeping a reef tank and how things interact with each other I know you will have the tank you once had and enjoyed so much.
  7. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    thanks rc:) "kiddo", haven't heard that one in awhile!!

    Some real good pointers there. I've fixed several things already. Threw out that chili coral(it never looked that great in my tank anyways) took off dome on pump and shifted the pump direction.

    Is the strainer the thing on the top and bottom of the back wall, the slits??? The filter cartridge we actually threw that out and were using the protein skimmer instead. So I'm running the protein skimmer and then have a sponge in the middle chamber. I rinse it out once a week, but haven't changed it out to a new one since March.

    Also running the carbon and phosphate remover in the back middle chamber in a filter bag. I'm a little confused still about how much to put in though. I got some directions earlier but they were in grams so realized I was a little confused when trying to measure out the right amount. What is the amount in say teaspoons/tablespoons I should put into my 29 gallon??

    Yeah I'm real confused about the salinity issue too. I have no idea what happened!!! At least it seems to be straightened out now. Some good news finally. My inverts are actually moving around tonight. The last couple days they were just laying in the sand and I figured they were dead. I haven't found any dead ones actually but have found a couple empty snail shells and a couple crab shells that I can't tell I think they are empty. I found a snail in a hermit crab shell tonight. Wierd.

    I think I have just over a half a dozen snails and 2-3 hermit crabs and 2 or 3 red scarlett crabs still alive, just found my peppermint shrimp tonight he's still alive, and the 2 clownfish seem to be doing well tonight. I'm most worried now about the corals. The don't look good at all. Will they come back???? Could they have started dying off due to the low salinity prob??

    Will definitely plan on moving pump down instead of unplugging and turning off for next water change.

    I'm not ready to give up yet!! I'd given myself a deadline of getting my tank the way I want by March which would be a year but lately had gotten so frustrated was thinking I'd possibly give up sooner. Thanks everyone. I'll keep ya posted and ask more questions as I come up with them.

    Wish me luck!!!! I wish all it took was luck. This is a lot of hard work! :) But I figure I'll feel so proud if I do get it looking the way I want. Don't have the expertise as you rc and never will so don't believe mine could ever look quite as beautiful as before, but maybe I can come close. It is on!!!!!! :)haha
  8. rc1214b


    +0 / 0 / -0
    The strainer on the pump is what had the slits and is domed shape
  9. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    ok so last night as you could all tell from my last post I was ready to give this a go. Well before going to bed last night my husband heard a loud noise coming from the tank. He opened the lid to check on it and water came gushing out. The main pump hose had come disconnected somehow. So he got shocked a couple of times when touching the power strips. Overnight we wanted to keep things going but water level had gone down some so we kept the supplemental pump on and the heater on. This morning the temp was down to 74, I don't think the heater was working overnight. Now that everything was dry my husband tried to plug lights back in. He got one in and nothing. Maybe the lights got fried from the water gushing??? And he tried to plug the second set in and got a major shock that sent him to the ground. Anyways, I guess this was a sign.....

    We are now to the where to go from now being how can we get our living things in there somewhere else quick so they don't die. Then our plan is in the next day or 2 start emptying out the tank and getting it cleaned out and ready to sell. I'm afraid to try and plug anything else in and don't want my husband to either so right now everything is unplugged so don't know how long things will make it.

    ryan.... I know this is dissapointing isn't it??? I was so ready to give it another go.... another one bites the dust:-(( I know some of the things I'l gotten from you (rock, testing kits, ect) do you want any of that back???

    I have 2 clownfish, 1-2 small cerith snails, about 5 large cerith snails, 2-3 blue legged hermit crabs and 2 I think red scarleet crabs, and a small peppermint shrimp. All seem to be doing very well (right now) We probably spent 70-80 bucks or so for all of these. It's hard to not get anything out of them but if that's what we have to do, it's what we have to do...., but I'd like to get some money out of them so I posted in the buy/sell/trade section. If I don't get any interest in the next day or so what can I do would a pet store take them?? My husband said they're just fish flush them down the toilet, but no way, I can't do that.

  10. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I can't believe how many times I've change my mind today!!! I think that's what helped my husband realize I'm not ready to sell yet. We were real concerned thought the hood had gotten too much water in it and the lights too much water and that none of them were going to work, but hood and lights are ok we waited for them to dry out and just tried them. He looked at me and said, how about I go and get some RO water for you so we can get this going again tonight. and thanks to AJ whose on his way over to help me get er up and running right this time. Wow, didn't know anyone could change their mind as many times as I have in a 24 hr. period, I"m worn out. whew. Anyways, gonna give her a go again. I had given myself the March deadline, maybe I should stick with that and hope that by then things are looking good. Good news is the inverts and fish are fine still:) I'm anxious to try out some of the advice from ya'all now. thanks!!

    Wish me luck everyone!!!
  11. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    I would suggest you take a deep breath :) All the previous posts have been good. You are experiencing water quality problems like any new aquarist has. Your inverts have perished for a number of reasons (such as salinity, etc). Taking out the dead inverts will help. It appears your tank is undergoing another cycle. The algae could possibly be diatoms. The best advice I can give is to get your water quality up to to correct suggested parameters using whatever means is necessary. Do things slowly as this is not a hobby to rush. Do not add any more aquaria until you get your water under control and STABLE for several weeks. Read as much as you can about this hobby...there are MANY sources available such as online magazines (Reefkeeping.com), Reef Central, and of course, here :) Everyone's tanks are different as are the opinions so you have to figure out what is best for your tank. There are some things which are very well understood within the SW community, such as RO/DI water benefits versus just RO (eg., phosphates), and things not well undertsood (eg. is IO salt better than SeaChem's). Things will get better again so rest easy. Good luck and Happy Reefing :)
  12. PotRoast

    PotRoast Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +24 / 0 / -0
    One of the reasons this post has gotten over 500+ looks is because we have all been through this (well, at least some of it) ourselves. It is all part of the learning curve, it really is. You will come out better for it in the end.

    I have lost fish and inverts. Algae blooms suck so much. I have shocked myself, and I have drenched myself from a wayward pump. It is all part of the game.

    Sometimes I wonder what in the hell I am doing in this hobby. And then there are the days I sit for two hours staring at my tank and it all makes sense.

    If I were you I would probably sit back, think about all the things that have gone wrong for you, and go about correcting them. It doesn't happen overnight. Good luck. It sounds like if you keep reading on the message boards it will all click for you real soon.
  13. rc1214b


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By PotRoast on 11/23/2009 08:39 AM
    One of the reasons this post has gotten over 500+ looks is because we have all been through this (well, at least some of it) ourselves. It is all part of the learning curve, it really is. You will come out better for it in the end. I have lost fish and inverts. Algae blooms suck so much. I have shocked myself, and I have drenched myself from a wayward pump. It is all part of the game. Sometimes I wonder what in the hell I am doing in this hobby. And then there are the days I sit for two hours staring at my tank and it all makes sense. If I were you I would probably sit back, think about all the things that have gone wrong for you, and go about correcting them. It doesn't happen overnight. Good luck. It sounds like if you keep reading on the message boards it will all click for you real soon.
    One of the best posts I've seen in awhile....... totally agree
  14. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    wow up to 584 views now!!! It does help me feel better realizing I'm not alone with these probs. I tend to overreact sometimes (lol) so the take a deep breathe advice is always good:)

    I did check my make up water and it tested fine. I get it at Walmart. I'm not sure if it is just RO water or if it is RO/DI water. I'll have to check next time I go in or if someone knows you could let me know.

    Right now things are doing allright. I'm busy using my little powerhead to stir up the (detritus I think it's called) and have been emptying my sponge and skimmer every couple hours. wow I'm getting alot of crap out of there!!! Thank goodness I have the next few days off to work on this. Now I just gotta hope my daughter takes a nice long nap and I start feeling better so I have more energy to work on everything (got sick this weekend in the middle of all this) I feel like I need to do a blog or something. haha my posts are so long.!!

    Anyways thanks for the help everyone and hopefully someday soon I'll be able to get a pic posted of things looking better. I should have asked more questions along the way, I'm finally learning who cares if my questions seem stupid the only way for me to find out is to ask, right:)

    thanks again:)
  15. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Wal-Mart water is RO/DI water. If you look at their sign that talks about their water processing, it specifically shows a DI process. I used Wal-Mart water for a while and I used a TDS meter to test it on occasion. It was always in the low single digits, so very acceptable. Detritus is just a term to describe junk that's floating around in your tank that you don't know exactly what it is, but you don't want it in your tank. It could be fish/snail poo, excess food, or even partial remains of a critter, etc. It's good to get it out, because if you don't, it will continue to decompose and mess up your water parameters.

    It's great that you're willing to post your issues on the site. Some of the other new folks are afraid to ask questions and would rather just read. Your trials and tribulations are helping people just by you posting about them.

  16. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    good to hear about the Walmart water, I was thinking it was RO/DI.

    I started out mostly just reading posts too and was afraid to post much partially because I felt like I knew so little compared to 90% of the people on the forums maybe even higher. lol....and I'm sure other newbies feel the same way..... but am glad I finally decided to start asking questions cause maybe this time I'll do it right and get that beautiful tank I've wanted:)

  17. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I also used walmart water... it was usually between 5-7 TDS. Better than bottled.
  18. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Good to hear I'm on the right track with water source. Thanks Bela!
  19. smw0522

    smw0522 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    so I was gone Wed. afternoon through today for Thanksgiving and was only able to get my parents to come over on Friday for me to clean out my sponge and skimmer cup and feed my fish. I did call them to check on it. :)   I was so nervous I'd come back today and have a mess of dirty water/algae to worry about.  THe 3 days before I left I'd been cleaning the sponge/skimmer cup out multiple times a day and blowing my rocks off multiple times a day.  But much to my surprise it looked pretty good!  A little film of brown on the rocks and glass and sand but I blew it off with my little pump and cleaned out my skimmer cup and sponge(I got a new one in now) and wow tonight it's looking great:)  I'm excited.  It's nice to actually sit and enjoy looking at it!!!!  I just need to keep it lookin good so I can get some corals in again.  My green zoas are coming back very nicely, I"m not sure about my purple zoas and my green star polyp still hasn't opened yet in weeks.  Maybe it's a lost cause??? but I'll keep my fingers crossed they'll come back as well. 
    Quick water question again.  Last week I went in to Pet's Playhouse to get a new sponge and thought heck I'll go ahead and get my water while I'm at it.  Forgot to ask when in there, is that RO/DI water as well???  I'd checked my Walmart water and it had been at zero phosphates., I'll have to make sure and check this make up water too since it's my first time using it.  Just thought it was nice and handy not having to go way to the back of Walmart/stand in a long line. Maybe Ill save $ too, I'd always stop and get something else at Walmart. lol.... of course I'll probably end up just finding something else at PP to buy too!!! 
  20. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Glad to hear it's coming around.

    Pet's Playhouse water is cheaper than Wal-Mart and if you want, you can buy pre-mixed saltwater. I've never tested their water. Let me know if you want to borrow my TDS meter to test it...or you can just stop by on your way home from there some time and I can test it really quick. Obviously more, but it's mixed and ready for your water change. Kind of nice for you since your water changes when doing standard maintenance are so small.

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