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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Crystal formerly swcrys, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    So im in a huge panic and dying right now. I just arrived home to my tank being low on water.i pulled out a jug of already mixed water from under my tank.i dump it in.major bubbles are coming out.im thinking thats not normal.i loom in back and is smells odd.the i panic as i realized i had mixed a cleaning solution in one of these jugs to clean my carpet.my husband not realizing thats what it was put it below my tank.then i used it in my sw tank not knowing he put it down there. im panicing my fish have all died.and i have taken out what corals i can rinsed under fresh water then put in a 10 gal i just put clean already mixed water in.crossing my fingers they make it.if anyone had any advice i would really appreciate it. im bawling my eyes out right know and my husband is eeally mad at himself.i have drained out all the water feom my ta k but not sure how to be certain all the soap is out.do i need to remove all the sand and use new sand?

    Please help!!!!!

  2. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Sorry to hear about that, Your best bet is to start over, I would get every thing out of the tank and wash and dry the tank as good as possible, then mix up 2 to 3 5g buckets of salt water to rinse off all live rock by dipping it and swishing it around in the first bucket then in the second bucket to try and get as much of the cleaner off the rocks as possible. Soak some old towels or news paper in some salt water and wrap up the rocks after rinsing to keep the live rock from drying out while you do this. As far as the sand goes I guess I would put it in a 5g bucket out side and just run a garden hose in the bucket until you don't see any suds. It will kill most of the bacteria that was in it but not much you can do about that.

    once you think you have everything clean start putting the tank back together. you can get a single bag of live sand and spread it over your old sand to help reseed the good bacteria. Get everything back in it and fill with fresh salt water. Get your skimmer going right away! that will be your tail tail sign if you got out all the cleaner. If it doesn't go nuts with the bubbles then you know you will be OK! I would give it some time before I put anything living back in it as it will cycle again as it did when you first started it. That sucks I know but thats all you can do!

    Hope this helps -Rick-
  3. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    That is terrible. Depending on what the cleaning solution was, and what size tank you have it may be easier to just start from a bare tank. Get all new rock, and sand, and let the adventure start again. This time with a very valuable lesson learned. The cleaning solution may cause continuous problems even after a thorough cleaning of all your existing rock. With as sensitive as some of these creatures are I don't think I would even try to reuse anything but the tank itself and that would be deep cleaned before doing so. If it was some kind of all natural or mild cleaner you may not have to go to those extremes, but even then some issues may arise down the road.
    If any corals are hanging on I would put them in a separate system and run some carbon. Do frequent water changes and see what happens to them. Hopefully you will have some that make it.
    But lets go back to the start of your story. Was the tank low from evaporation, or was the water lost elsewhere? If it was just normal evap you should be replacing the water with fresh water. It sounds like you added mixed salt water.
  4. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Here is what was in the cleaning solution even though it makes me sick to type it now. Baking soda, tide, oxi clean, distilled white vinegar, fabric softer, and water. And it was about one fourth of the jug. I pulled all my rocks out one by one did a fresh water dip then put them all in a 10 gal tank. It was just evap water that I was refilling. I have a 29 gal bio cube. I have no idea how to mix sw personally and have always been afraid to as I was worried I would screw it up. So I actually buy already mixed water by the gal from my lfs. And that is what I have always used since I purchased my tank. My fire shrimp I believe will make it. Going to check on my corals now again but most seemed to be okay and open last night. But I'm sure not all will make it. I did get them all out pretty fast so we will see.
  5. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Also looking and hoping to purchase a 14 gal bio cube from someone on here today if it is still available. I will put everything in there for the time being once I can get it and then get it cycled. Thankfully I'm home off work for today and the next two days so I have time to run around and get this all completed.
  6. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    That is a nasty list of ingredients.

    You can try doing massive water changes and watch for signs of life in the tank, if everything is else is alredy dead, it wont hurt to try.

    Get some carbon & purigen going, it will help pull that stuff out.

    GL & sorry for your loss.
  7. jstngates Experienced Reefkeeper

    Toledo Iowa
    +40 / 1 / -0
    Wow sorry to hear this. Good luck.
  8. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I think I managed to save a few corals. I purchased a 8 gal bio cube and put some corals in it. Got cycled water from a friends tank. I did manage to save 5 hermits as well. I also gave a few corals to my friend to put in her cycled tank and try to revive. They were open and looked ok this afternoon. Crossing my fingers they pull through.
  9. jstngates Experienced Reefkeeper

    Toledo Iowa
    +40 / 1 / -0
    Idk where your located? What size of tank do you have? I have 40 lbs of live rock I was gonna sell your welcome to come have free to get started again. I took it out of my tank 3 days ago and its full of copepods and who knows what else. Im sure there are guys on here who would be willing to give some corals at no cost. I dont have much but could spare some zoas.
  10. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I'm located in Marion jstngates!!! I would really appreciate the live rock!!!
  11. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have a 29 gal bio cube.
  12. jstngates Experienced Reefkeeper

    Toledo Iowa
    +40 / 1 / -0
    I will be back late Sunday night if that's okay heading to a funeral
  13. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Where are u located? If your not fo far away sunday is fine.

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