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Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by Jim, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. hey I am reaching because I am new and I need some help badly.. I have ran my tank now for over 6 months bought alot of corals everything has been awesome and now its all dying just like a lightswitch nothing new in tank I did a water change because my ammonia was high nothing has improved I have t5 lights and changed bulbs as well I dont have the money to experiment to fix I need some advice so I am hoping you can help please I am hoping somebody can come over and look at my set up and give me some advice. I also now can't run skimmer because it keeps bubbling over and I cant get it set correctly. sorry but I just could really use some advice. my cell is 319-899-1176


  2. tharnisch

    tharnisch Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    What can you test for? Salinity, nitrates, calcium, alk? Ph?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015

  3. my salinity is at .22-.23 I tested nitrates, PH , ammonia, Nitrite last test my amonia was a little high so i did a water change last weekend 50-60% and lost all my invertibrates my fish are doing good but zoas are all small cloves not coming out and mushroom is shrinking
  4. i have a feeling it has to do with my nitrates and ammonia but I cant get it under control so I just need some guidance I have heard something about bags of carbon in sump but do not understand that or how to do it
  5. tharnisch

    tharnisch Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Purigan is better than carbon, plus you can regen it. The fact that things went downhill right after the water change... When you did the water change did you have premixed salt water to keep salinity steady through the water change?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015
  6. actually things were bad a week before water change thats why I changed the water I found the ammonia and nitrates were high and every thing i read said water change would fix it..
  7. tharnisch

    tharnisch Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Water changes are definitely the way to bring those down. Should be doing them regularly because if things start to go south, they can crash really fast. Hopefully someone closer can come take a peak and see what is going on for you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015
  8. doing all my tests again now salinity is 1.024 PH is 8.2 Nitrite is 0 Ammonia is .50 ppm Guessing this is because I have had skimmer unplugged for 4-5 days now because it keeps bubbling over all of a sudden I cant get it set to not bubble over My Nitrate is 0 as well
  9. would you reccomend 1 large water change again like 50-60% or do several small ones???
  10. abower Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Ryan, Ia
    +74 / 1 / -0
    Mind filling us in a little more?
    Rock: color, growth on rock? amount of rock? This is bacteria source
    substrate: crushed coral, sand, growth and color? thickness? another bacteria source
    All dead inhabitants: removed immediately? dead creatures will upset balance of bacteria. (those that breakdown the creature into ammonia vs those that breakdown the ammonia.)
    Feeding habits: food left after fish/ inverts have fed? too much too fast will take upset balance of bacteria
    Rate you added inhabitants: How many added at timeframe. Ammonia is produced by each inhabitant as it breaks down nutrients. too much too fast and there wont be enough bacteria to handle the spike.
    Filter units: have you replaced your charcoal? this absorbs chemicals that could cause good bacteria to die.
    cleaning hand prior to diving in: how do you clean hands - this could be a large source of chemical contaminants.
    Cleaning materials: any chemical products used near tank including fragrances?

    It sounds like the bacterial processes in the tank are out of balance or in peril.

    A note on chemicals: bleach is great at decontaminating but as with most alkaline cleaners they don't rinse out very well. if you get bleach on your hands it creates a slimy consistency; wash your hands 10 times and they still feel slimy (not to mention the odor). Neutralize the alkaline cleaner (dish soap is alkaline) with vinegar. Leave the vinegar on your hands for 30 seconds or so and follow up with a 30 second rinse with warm water. Final check, smell your hands. If you can smell even a trace of something its too much. Test this with food, rub some fresh shrimp on your hand and rinse till you cant smell the shrimp. Introduce your hand to the tank and most likely will find your inhabitants in a fury to find the food they detect.
  11. mfisher


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Are you using rodi water? The skimmer foaming is suspicious, but could be multiple " normal" causes and even soap, bleach etc, doesnt really affect a reef that much in small doses... Bacterial "balance" is not an issue, in a cycled tank w adequate bacterial substrate, these can handle wild fluctuations without issue.

    Any Ammonia is a very bad thing.

    How long had the corals been in the tank before dying?
  12. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Running the tank for over 6 months and now all of a sudden having an ammonia spike that doesn't seem to be processing through the cycle doesn't sound good for you at all. I would second the idea that your bacterial process is almost non-existent at this point. Now the cause of that would be the mystery you need to solve. If you did not do anything to the tank right before the turn, is there something else that could have made its way in the tank? Kids, household projects, pest sprays, paint fumes etc. could all cause major damage to our tanks. If your skimmer was running fine, and now you can't seem to not be able to get it to stop foaming is really leading me to think that something bad got introduced into the tank. Running Granulated Activated Carbon will help pull out and absorb any contaminants, but at this point it just might be too late. If its bad enough that its absorbed into the rock, it could be a lost cause trying to use that stuff again.
    Hopefully that will not be the case for you, but good luck on the hunt to find the cause of the crash.
  13. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    Use an ammonia remover for marine tanks like Prime. Try to get your hands on some bacteria asap. If possible, Dr Tim's, especially his "One & Only". All the above is great info for you. Way to go guys!! Set the skimmer at it's lowest setting and hopefully it won't overflow but keep running the skimmer!! It will add oxygen to the tank which will help everything...bacteria, fish, corals etc........... Good luck!
  14. klmule Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Belle Plaine
    +20 / 0 / -0
    If it isn't getting any better I would also consider relocating all you inhabitants. If you can get them out and into a clean tank and limit your losses that would be best.
  15. thank you very much for the info guys all fish are fine and no losses on fish I just lost the cleaner shrimp and removed those plus i lost 1 fire shrimp the corals have all been in before fall fest I bought alot of them there and all did fine up until about 2 weeks ago when this started . I have not added anything since that time either. I currently am not running any filter with charcoal so if this is something I need to do I will set it up just weird how it all hit me so fast and the skimmer thing is driving me nuts I know it will help but i have sat and tried to dial it in and no setting will stop it from overflowing. so this is just all really confusing to me i have great growth on my zoas they were spreading and now everything is closed up even with lights. i have about 75- 80 lbs of live rock all in tank as well it is taking on a yellowish brown tint to it now so I believe the chemical balance is definatly off someplace I put in ammo lock last night to detox the ammonia I know I still need to get rid of it but no changes. my thouights today is to get filter with carbon and dr timms any other suggestions???
  16. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Carbon, carbon, carbon. Get it running and hopefully pulling out whatever is crashing your tank.
  17. i have never ran that before what do i buy is the carbon by itself or do i buy one of the over the tank filters that have the carbon in them????
  18. abower Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Ryan, Ia
    +74 / 1 / -0
    Best to get pouches of carbon. Over the top filters are numerous and Petco can accommodate the exact size you need. Canister filters can be more flexible. Replace charcole pouch every 2 days for a week. Once the next week and then see if your tank is stable to use normal carbon replacement schedule. I do mine once a month. Also replace your filter floss every 6-12 month and rinse with normal maintenance schedule (when you change your carbon).

    Remember the bit about hand cleaning. Never use soap before diving in without using something like vinegar to remove the soap and never perfumed items
  19. abower Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Ryan, Ia
    +74 / 1 / -0
    Meant to comment on the skimmer. I get surges after I feed and so forth. I try to ignore this as its doing its job. I do have to adjust my skimmer from day to day as its a hang over the back and I loose about 1/4 to 3/8" water height per day that I typically replace every 2-3 days. This height seems to effect the skimmer that when full it runs wet and dry when water level is low. the adjustment on my skimmer is very sensitive in that 1 degree twist on the outlet is sufficient.
  20. Roman Experienced Reefkeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +321 / 3 / -0
    I have a phosban reactor you could borrow for charcoal.

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