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Hi all

Discussion in 'Des Moines & Ames Region' started by SGM, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    Just posted in the new member forum, I am new to the club.  I am from Ankeny and just starting to get into salt.
    So if anybody has anything for a 125 let me know.
  2. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to GIRS
    I would like to personally welcome you to the Greater Iowa Reef Society! My name is Joel and I am the trustee for the Des Moines Area. We will be planning several events for our membership this fall including fall fest in November with Anthony Calfo speaking.
    Please visit the Des Moines forum calendar to know what other things will be happening as it is planned. Also if you join the Des Moines area "Group" you will get PM's when events are coming up. Click on the link below and then click on "Join Group" next to the Des Moines Area.
    Join the Des Moines Group for GIRS
    We are here to help you be successful with your reef aquarium. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. This is a complicated hobby and if you come up against a challenge the odds are we have faced the same challenge. You have found your best resource for a succesful salt water and reef aquarium!
    If you become a member of GIRS for only $20 you have access to all of the member forums as well and you will be supporting a club that will be here 24/7 for you and a successful aquarium. Please consder becoming an active member.
    What are you needing for your 125?
  3. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    I am in need of a skimmer. The tank is a all glass. It does not have overflows. I need sand, rock, you name it.
  4. Brett Petland WDM

    Brett Petland WDM Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    i just posted a 125 for sale that comes with everything except a protein skimmer but i can order one for you whenever ur ready.
    i have lots of rock and live sand for sale here @ Petland. feel free to call me @ the store (515-225-1645) or even on my cell @ 515-371-0972.
  5. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I have a CPR90 Overflow and sand.
  6. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Brett\Petland@West Des.Moines on 07/18/2009 05:11 PM
    i just posted a 125 for sale that comes with everything except a protein skimmer but i can order one for you whenever ur ready.
    i have lots of rock and live sand for sale here @ Petland. feel free to call me @ the store (515-225-1645) or even on my cell @ 515-371-0972.
    Brett, how are my discus doing at the store?  I talked to Ron the other day and he said they are doing good.  You need to sell them so I can bring you in some more.  I had a new pair lay there eggs, they just hatched out to day.  Hopefully they get it figured it out.  That way I can bring you in some of those.  I only got about 6-9 more adults I can bring you.
  7. Brett Petland WDM

    Brett Petland WDM Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    they are doing great 2 of them are just huge and great color. there is one that we are worried about though. he eats but just hangs out in the top back corner of the tank. so i hope he is alright. i have had lots of ppl ask about them but so far none has gone home. its hard to find ppl that are willing to drop 60 to 80 $ on a fish but they are worth every penny. so we will c

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