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Hinge help

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rockinsmall, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Ive been to Lowes, Menards and Home Depot and havent found the right hinge. I want something that will allow me to lift up my canopy doors and it will lock at say a 130 to 170 degree angle, if that makes sense...  i had found one, but it was too wimpy to hold up the doors. I cant just rest the doors against the top of the canopy b/c the crown molding comes out too far. I need a solution! And a bit of help....  thanks guys!
  2. Reefified

    Reefified Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    get online. i find all mine on there and am certain you will too.
  3. shepone24


    +1 / 0 / -0
    If your in Des Moines, go to the woodsmith store on Hickman.
  4. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Im in Omaha/Council Bluffs.... i wanted to get them locally tomorrow if possible, as i have a couple guys coming over to help me plumb my tank.... may as well get them do a couple other handy things while i have them, right? =)
  5. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    try http://www.rockler.com .....if you can't find it there chances are they dont make it
  6. Shaun

    Shaun Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    is there anyway you can use a gas shock
    it will just support the door
  7. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Not having any luck.... anything that looks close will only open to 90 degrees at the most! Argh!
  8. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am afraid of a gas shock rusting super fast..... what do u guys think? perhaps, either way, i will have to replace the device once a year... all metal rusts.. cept the super expensive kind!
  9. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    Both wood canopies that I have use a length of wood (which is attached to the inside of the canopy base just above the tank's rim) which swings up, catches on a lip (also wood) that's attached to the inside top. The length of wood determines how high the lid will open. (The manufacturers' have made them this way.) The peice of wood has a hole in it in which a short screw is anchored into the canopy base, above the tank''s rim)...the length of wood swivels up and down and will lay/rest on the edge of the tank when the canopy is closed. Basically the canopy is propped up...nothing fancy but I've never had a problem with them for over 10years.
  10. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    does it prop over a 130 degree angle?
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    menards has them thay are in a pack
  12. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    well if they do, then nobody at the two menards i went to have any clue as to what i want =) or i just dont know how to explain what i want.... Ive come home with 4 or 5 types, most of which dont lock into place above a 90 degree angle, one was supposed to but was super wimpy and would hardly hold a toothbrush up. i may just have to use a chain or something...
  13. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    Mine prop up about 24" or will open all the way and rest against the wall.  I prop mine open for feeding, cleaning lights, etc.  When I want to get "in to the tank" for rearranging, cleaning, etc., I open mine all the way[​IMG]  You could also use the same but have one on each end/side of the canopy.
  14. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    +1   Rockler is awesome for things like that.

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