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Hydrogen Peroxide RBA

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aleciadooley, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    Done 2 prior while manually removing the RBA on the 1st round but it wasn't as noticable yet on the 2nd so didn't touch it then. I plan on doing another today but trying hydrogen peroxide this time, any ideas? The HP will be topical and with a syringe. It was worse before I manually removed it and I took it to be because of my HOB filter so I am changing the filters asap and will be turing that into a HOB fuge when the filters run out. So the nitrates are still high even after 2 50% H2O changes within a month. (I am using API) I have diatoms on my LS and possibly growning on my LR as well. It is not coraline since this stuff is more of a bright blood red. Any ideas on what this stuff on the rock is? I had just added new 10K bulbs so I removed them and put my old 50/50's back on, diatoms on LS seem to be fading of couse.

    Also maybe doing another manual removal plus the HP whould give a better effect? I am not sure as I am giving most things a trial and error period as the fish hobby is rank with so many ranges of opinions that it is really impossible to know which way to go. I guess when it comes to opinions I would only like to hear from people who have done it before or have know someone who actually has (witnessed it). Basically theroys do me no good. I have also highlighted the actual questions in green to help with any confusion, as I know I am "long in the tongue."
  2. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    Would try to help you if I had any idea what your talking about lol. Sounds like you may have a cyano outbreak? H2O2 can be used to treat dinoflagellates but never herd of using it for cyano bacteria.

  3. F.D. Reefer Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Fort dodge
    +98 / 1 / -0
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2015
  4. ctrenary

    ctrenary Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    red bubble algae?
  5. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    RBA-red bubble algae

    LS/LR-live sand/rock

  6. ctrenary

    ctrenary Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    reefcleaners.org guarantee that their emerald crabs will eat bubble algae. Might be worth a shot.

  7. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    Can you post a picture? What size tank do you have? How long has the tank been running? What are your nitrates and phosphates reading? Are you using tap water or RO/DI or buying water(where)? What do you have for fish? Are you using GFO and GAC? I'm sorry for all the questions but to help you, we need this information.

    Be very careful using the hydrogen peroxide! If it is red bubble algae, then it is algae and algae needs 2 things to grow--light and nutrients. Red bubble algae is Botrycladia
  8. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    Already tried emeralds no luck.

    I'm not sure how to post pics, I looked @ the instructions but they say to enter the URL of a pictures, so does that mean I need to get a photobuchet acct or something of the like and uplaod them there then post a link on here? IS there anyway to do it just like an upload or if one of you has an email I can forward you pics galore.

    Far as tank specs: I thought I put some stuff up on profile but I guess that is a pain to access so when I post I should put all that on something as well?

    75G; up and running with 1 move while remodeling, 4 years; Na + phos (I know those areant correct symbols but it is what I use) are high but not too high.

    3/17/14: ph-8.; Na-40; Ni-0; Amm-05; Phos-05; Ca-400.

    Sg @ 1025 temp round 78 degrees. I use RODI but do not test with a TDS (for particles) I normally use my api and test for nitrates and that is when I change filters.

    I have 2 clownfish. I feed sparingly. I have a lot of LR and 2 inches, roughly, of LS. 1 blue legged hermit.

    What is GFO and GAC; GFO I have heard isn't that something that removes phos from the water? No I don't use that and I doubt I use GAC eaither.

    What do you mean about peroxide sponge? Have you used it? Does it kill the RBA or does it feed it?

    FYI I put of the WC until I get more input from this site. I have tried various other sites but never get a response.
  9. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    I am applying the hydrogen peroxide and I see no bubbles. Does that mean it isn't working?
  10. mpivit Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +28 / 1 / -0
    From what you describe this seems like it may be a bad idea. I'd stop and consider alternate methods. Using peroxide in a tank would probably dilute it to the point where it would be ineffective. I've dipped frags in a 30 % peroxide, 70%tankwater solution for 5 minutes before with good results(zoas only) and it was not for bubble algae. The peroxide did fizz.
  11. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    I agree with this.
  12. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    No, no, no....This application is topical. I am removing the LR and coral (dead) from my tank and applying HP with a syringe. I just did this to a powerhead. I am still seeing no bubbles though. Afterwards dipped it multiple times in a bucket of RODI. Then shook it off and put it back in the tank.

    mpivit-Did you scrub the area 1st that needed cleaning? I am wondering if that is the reason I am getting no fizz (I removed the bubbles with tweesers).

    If the topical doesn't work I may need to try a soak/dip. Did the soak you tried kill coraline? That is all that is on my rocks that I am worried about....although I have plenty more so it will eventually come back. I'd just rather not put a whole rock in the soak as I am sure some stuff within the rock will die and add to the issue.
  13. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    I just signed up for flickr.

    Here are photos of the deep red stuff I am trying to ID: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121541832@N04/

    Please let me know if you can see the pictures-I've never done this before.

    The dots in the water are oxygen bubbles.

    After I dosed the PH (powerhead) (and then put it back in the tank) I could see no visible issue with oxygen around the area where it was applied. I plan on taking rocks out one by one and removing the RBA with tweesers or with a screwdriver and then applying HP (hydrogen peroxide).

    If somone could confirm on the cyano outbreak??

  14. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    I don't see any cyano at all. The dark red maroon colored patches on your rocks are of no concern. The RBA is far far from a epidemic. I think you may be over reacting a bit. Have you tried running some GFO to kill the RBA?
  15. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    So the red stuff is of no concern? What is it?

    The RBA was much worse 2 H2O changes ago. I removed it manually the 1st time, nitrates went up so another water change and now they are back. You say just let them be? No I do not use and posban or GFO, I was just reading up on it and someone said that a reactor can be had for less than $50-is that true? They basically remove phosphates right?
  16. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    Yes a GFO reactor can be had real cheap.

    If the dark maroon colored stuff won't brush off with a toothbrush it looks to be just a type of red coralline algae.

  17. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0


    I am looking into a phos reactor now.

    What is your opinon on that verses a denitrifier? I'd like to add as little equipment as possible.

    Also any chance you can give me the down low on what size of one of those I might need? I have a 75gal with only 2 clownfish but plan on adding a few more @ least. Volume will only be 75g, I won't be adding sump ever. Everone says bigger is better.
  18. mpivit Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +28 / 1 / -0
    Sorry, I totally misunderstood what you were doing.
    No I didn't scrub the area prior, but I did pick the easy stuff off with my fingers first. I dip the frags and the algae dies off after a day or two, the result is not instant for me.

    If it's bubble algae, I would manually remove outside of the tank first, then maybe apply the peroxide, or just rinse with water before returning to the tank, it sounds like it would work. I have also soaked powerheads in peroxide to clean as well It does kill some of the coraline but it grows back quickly, and patches survive. I definetely would not resort to dipping your live rock though, your algae problem does not appear bad at all and a dip in peroxide will probably kill all the beneficial bacteria.

  19. aleciadooley


    +0 / 0 / -0

    mpivit-just so I am understanding you correctly.....U placed frags, meaning SPS corals or soft coral frags, in a hydrogen peroxide dip and they did not die? I guess I just assumed they would....duh on my part but I guess they are not bacteria and it is the same as me placiing it on myself.

    Picking the rba off then rinsing and putting back does no good. I've done it with just removing, as well as scrubbing, as well as chipping of parts of rock with screwdriver, now I am trying the peroxide.

    I am looking into a phos reactor to remove the phos from my tank now. Opinions? I was thinking about a denitrfier but am not sure on the difference.
  20. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    Get the reactor and some GFO from bulkreefsupply.com

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