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I need a new magnet cleaner

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bela, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    As you all know (or maybe you don't), this past summer, I downsized from a 150 to a BC29. I ended up keeping my algae free hammerhead for glass scraping, but it's just too strong for how thin the glass is. Not to mention, it's a little monstrous in size for the tank and tough to get around curved corners. I really like algae free for the classy look of the cleaner (I generally leave my magnet cleaners in all the time). I also like the nice soft felt on the external magnet and the optional pads that can be attached (so as not to wear down the main pad).
    My dilemma is I don't know what to get. I could get a piranha, but that may also end up being just a little too strong (and I don't think the size, physically, is any different. I had my eye on the TLF magnet cleaner. That doesn't look too bad. It's almost all black (wouldn't stick out), it's fairly compact (maybe even a bit on the too small side), and, well, that's about all I know about it.
    Recommend some magnet cleaners! I don't want a magfloat. Been there, done that. They worked well, but they just look like something from the 80s to me. They stick out like a sore thumb and since I leave these on the tank I don't want to have it be something that draws the eye too much.
    So... Any suggestions?
    PS I am likely going to be listing the algae free up for sale here soon once I get a replacement. Might even do a partial trade for the right replacement!
  2. kyro

    kyro Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    there is actually a magnet cleaner specifically for the bio cube now, it has a rounded edge to match the corners so it cleans them as well.
  3. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Are you thinking of the one by oceanic? I am a little hesitant to grab it. Most of the additional stuff oceanic makes for their biocube is of pretty low quality IMO. Have you used it?
  4. psulion


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Two Little Fishies makes a nice magnet. Not sure if it's big enough for you.
  5. JoeVic

    JoeVic Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Im thinking of getting the Nimble Nano. Made by a Hobbyist. It's small and the profile is very slim both on inside and outside of the tank. Designed for nanos that have limited space. Price isn't bad really!
  6. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I had never heard of the nimble nano so I just googled it. Here is a comparison (mostly just sizes) that I found. Unless I am looking at this wrong, the TLF magnet is the smallest by a long shot. Pretty incredible. So... has anyone actulaly used any of these things? I'd rather spend more on something I know will be fine than less on something that's a crap shoot! Prices are pretty comparable on all of these. The LF mag is $9, while the others are $13 and $16.
  7. JoeVic

    JoeVic Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well It sounds like the TLF one is has a little smaller surface area, but sounds like it outperforms the Nimble Nano buy a long shot, plus its profile is thinner too. Sounds like I might go that route instead.
  8. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I think I might order one. $6 and change on amazon and $5 shipping. Want me to order you one with my order?
  9. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Ordered one on eBay. Turned out cheaper that way, plus I could use PayPal balance! Should be here early next week. Want to make sure it works ok and then will list the algae free up for sale here. I did get three separate PMs. Please be aware I have not started a list, so those who are interested keep a look out for the actual sale thread.
  10. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well I went with the nanomag an had a chance to use it today. Works great and has a wonderfully slim profile (no thicker than a quarter on the inside of the tank)! I only have to potentially negative comments. First, the thing is made of foam. Not a cheap foam, mind you, but it is certainly softer than any other mag cleaner I have ever used. I am wondering how well it will hold up to the test of time. As inexpensive as it was, though, it's certainly not something to stress too much over. My bigger issue is with the inner magnet side; it doesn't float. I didn't have any issues with it coming off in the tank and it goes around the corners of the BC29 easily (it literally bends to the shape of the glass as it's a soft foam material) so this may be a non issue, but I probably would have preferred it to float. Anyway, for the price I had readied myself for being disappointed in every way, but that wasn't the case. I would even recommend it for those of you with larger tanks to get those hard to reach places. The area around my vortech had been all but forgotten since it was such a pain to clean. This little thing made quick work of it all.

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