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I resurrected the dead (rock that is)

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by MJB Tanks, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. MJB Tanks Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Pleasant Hill, IA
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Almost 2 yrs ago my display tank had to come down and I was left with rocks and livestock in smaller emergency tanks. It didn't take long to lose most of the livestock before giving the rest away and then the rock tubs were left to dry out. In late
    November I finally started getting ready to replace my display tank and start over. I took what I could of my dead rock and stuffed it into a 40 gallon tank and put it back in water. There was enough salt in the rock that the salinity was nearly perfect after everything had a chance to circulate for a few hours. The smell of the water the next day was very similar to cat urine so I knew I had a fair amount of ammonia to work with. I got about 15 lbs of rock from another member here and added it to the tank. I took ammonia tests for the first couple weeks and it was off the charts...far enough I couldn't even tell if there was progress. Last night I checked it again and levels were down between 0 and .25 ppm and the water already smells like a normal aquarium.
    I was skeptical of bringing this rock back around even after reading a few articles on other forums, but so far it looks very promising. Rock is starting to take on color and no longer looks bleached either. It will be sitting in this tank for at least another three weeks and will have a chance to cycle once in the new tank so I can monitor all chemical levels before adding any livestock.
    Maybe this will help someone else out? Thought I would share.
    OOPSIE...wrong forum.  If someone could move this to the general forum that would be much appreciated [​IMG]

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