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In Memory of Jan Sale....

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by jazzybio13, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. erayk1 Well-Known ReefKeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    Coralville, IA
    +35 / 0 / -0

    pm sent
  2. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    How much for the blue hippo? Would he get along with my sailfin and purple tang?
  3. jazzybio13 MBI Breeder

    +0 / 0 / -0

    28gallon Hex tank, no pictures right now, will post some later.(light, biowheel filter, plants, pebbles, was set up for freshwater) $75
    75 gallon (non drilled) This still has livestock in it though THIS WAS MY TANK, NOT JAN's... just throwing it in here if anyone is interested send me a pm for price on this, there is another thread on it with more details.

    1x150w HQI-MH & 2 65w Dual Actinic Light Fixture $200 OBO
    R2 Dual moonlight handheld small $25

    10g aquarium hood / light combo $10
    RIO mini sun-Deep Sea Blue $15
    ECO-Plus Lunar light ¾ watt moonlight (470nm) $8
    Alpine Halogen bulb (12volt, 5watt) $13
    Alpine Halogen submersible light $10
    65watt dual actinic (420nm & 460nm) ***multiples available*** $12
    55watt T5 10000k/actinic Red Sea Max $9
    454nm UVlighting bulb $8
    Chiller (AquaEuroUSA) 1/10 HP$200

    Skimmers, Sumps, and RO Units:
    Tunze Nano RO Station 8515 (Compact RO) $20
    Tunze Nano DOC Skimmer 9002
    PureFloII by coralife (pm for photo) NO cartridges or membrane present, 50g/day. $30
    Seachem-Pinnacle RO system with PSI gauge, works well. $150 OBO
    Nano Reef skimmer with spare pump $100
    Nano Reef skimmer NS series, brand new in box, BRAND NEW never even put together! $100

    Heaters, Jets, and Pumps
    Maxi-Jet 400 (pending)
    Vortech Battery Backup: Missing 1 cable and power supply, make an offer if you want it!
    True Temp titanium heating system *professional series (plastic on tip is cracked off, doesn't affect functionality, works fine) $70
    Eheim compact 600 water jet (one left) $12

    Media, Bulk Reef Supply, FOOD, Chemicals, & Substrate
    Pura filtration pad (total filter)(partially used) $5
    Pura NitrateLock (unopened, new) $10
    Bulk Reef Supply (BRS) Calcium Chloride (bag and box) (mostly full) $6
    2 gallon kit from Bulk Reef Supply Recipie #1 (Magnesium Chloride, Soda Ash, Sodium Bicarbonate) $7
    Sodium Bicarbonate (mostly full) $6
    Calcium by Red Sea (1/2 full) $1
    Seachem De*nitrate (x2) (both unopened) $4 each
    Seachem advantage magnesium (unopened) $6
    Seachem ‘SeaGel’ Organic &Phosphate (unopened) $9
    Marine Stablizer by Instant Ocean (100ml bottles x8) $2 each
    Reef accelerator by Instant Ocean (100ml bottles x8) $ 2each
    TEST KITS (CA, NO3, NH4, NO2, PO4, KH/ALK, ALK/pH, marine lab kit) and more ***CONTACT FOR SPECIFIC KITS AVAILABILITY*** some of these are expired or about to expire, and some are used... individual pricing available.
    CaribSea live sand 1.5 bags $10
    Calk by Red sea $5
    Kalkwasser mix by Inland sea $5
    Inland sea marine and reef buffer $5
    iodion (mostly full) $2
    Biozyme (just under 1/2) $1
    Red Sea coral buff (open but full) $ 6
    API tap water conditioner (unopened) $3

    Miscellaneous reefing items
    Gentle Acclimation system $20
    Challenger air pump (older) $5
    Aqua Gloves (one pair remaining) $7
    Milwaukee pH probe (may need new probe) with (x15) calibration ‘pin point’ solutions $40
    Bulk Reef Supplies Automatic Dosing system 1.1mL/min $50
    Bulk Reef Supplies Automatic Dosing system 1.6mL/min $65
    Scrub brushes **make offer**
    nets **make offer**
    backing for 55g standard tank BLACK $5
    MarineLand Filter Foam Pad ‘Rite Size T’ $2
    Egg crate (pre slotted edges) **make offer**
    Aquascape putty **make offer**
    Algae Scrapper with diamond polished edge (InTank brand) (x2) $1 each (these are just little plastic scrappers, nothing special)
    Guppy/Molly Breeding Trap
  4. Kpotter2 Expert Reefkeeper

    North liberty, IA
    +7 / 0 / -0
    Interested in these:
    Nano Reef skimmer with spare pump $100
    Nano Reef skimmer NS series, brand new in box, BRAND NEW never even put together! $100
    PM sent!
  5. jazzybio13 MBI Breeder

    +0 / 0 / -0
    34g Red Sea Max is SOLD pending pick up tomorrow, thanks for the inquires though! The only tank that's left is the 75g non drilled reef tank that's still running, critters included! (corals, fish, crabs, etc.)


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