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Advice? JBJ 28 Lighting

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Boostedbolt, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. I have a 28 gallon JBJ nano cube LED, The lighting in the hood is fine as far as the day lights, but the atinics(moonlights) are kinda dim. There only appears to be 4 of them and its like a beam in 4 little spots of the tank. After seeing the corals I purchased at fall fest in the tanks there then in the tank I have I need to change them. I cant see the colors of the corals unless they are in one of the 4 direct spots.

    So should I get a whole new lighting setup and ditch the hood? or does anyone know a guide or some way to just add more blues? Not looking to spend a ton of money either because I plan on getting a much bigger tank when I move. I just want to enjoy my corals in the blues like at fall fest.

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