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Just a thought

Discussion in 'Des Moines & Ames Region' started by SGM, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    I guess seeings I stired the pot up a little bit about the tank tour, and you guys normally do it in the fall.
    What about this fall here in DSM or somewhere close of doing a swap meet?  Something small like at the microtel, or somebody's house, or fire station or something.  Something to maybe where you dont have a big expense of a room for a smaller event? (I think this would  be a good idea for raising a little money here in there for big events)
    Also is there like monthly meetings?  I know in the past on several other forums we would try do something monthly, or bi-monthly during the summer time.  Could be as easy as somebodys house or something.  Maybe Brett could have them at Petland? 
  2. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    The swap is already being planned for November in the Quad Cities. It takes a huge amount of time to plan that event. We have had the spring swap in Des Moines the last two years. Take a look at the 2009 Des Moines calendar to get and idea of what we will be planning for fall. You are right, we need to be getting the calendar ready so I had better get in gear. I would like to plan the same sort of informational meetings as this spring if people are interested. I will post some surveys again to get an idea of what people would like. People get so busy in the summer it is hard to get anyone to show up. We have been having a monthly meeting all summer at Mickeys Pub. Just had one a week or so ago. Check out the calendar it should be on there. I think it is the second Tuesday of every month.

    I am interested in the Microtel thing. Is there a reason you mention them specifically?
  3. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    they are cheap on there rooms. We has a swap there one time and the room was only like $60
  4. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    I also have lots of experience setting up these events.

    I have a designer and printer for flyers, that will pretty much do it for free.

    If there is intrest for a swap in DSM count me in to help.
  5. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    We appreciate the help.
    To be honest I brought up the issue for another swap in Des Moines next month but I was out voted. It was decided there would be one swap in the spring and one in the fall. As a matter of fact the board had a vote a few years ago and it was decided that there would only be one major event per area per year. But with organizing the BIG event in November and then another swap in the spring that is maybe enough. But don't get my me wrong, I am not against the idea. I was just in the minority.
  6. SGM

    SGM Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +11 / 0 / -0
    LOL! I understand.

    It is a lot of work, and it may cost you some money for a year or two. But that is what builds your members with all the advertising and events which get the people intrested. Espically when they can buy it for a 3rd of what they can at a pet store.

    THis might be digging to far in the book of rules with the board. But seeings you have chapters or areas. It would be a good idea that each area have there own bank account to where they can put on events, so that they can do these events more often. If a chapter or area where to throw 3 or 4 events a year, you know like 2 or 3 swaps and 2 auction. You can make some money for the club to bring in more speakers and what not. Espically auctions. You do a split 30% to the club and 70% to the chapter. Swaps can be difficult to make money in my experience. You have the room cost, and you have tp depend on admitance fees and tables to make that money back.

    Just my 2 cents of a idea.
  7. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I don't disagree but we just aren't big enough. We do have a budget for this area which I am in charge of but it isn't very big (but big enough considering our size, no complaints at all). Last year at this time we had about 5 active members in Des Moines is all. I was given the task of growing this area and with a BUNCH of help have done so. A bunch of members in and out but I would say we have about 15 members very active now maybe higher. There are 30 in our "group" on the site.
    With all your experience I am really hoping you stay active for a long long time. That is a huge problem in this hobby. People don't realize how challenging and expensive it is. Way too many get out. This club is here to change that and I think we do a great job with a huge amount of experience and information. If people listen to the advice they can be successful. We can use all the help we can get, especially since I live in Boone and it is hard to organize events in Des Moines with a daily 2 hour drive.

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