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keys critters group buy #2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matt the fiddler, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Matt have you placed the order yet. if not I will add some!
    5 fancy cereths
    20 fancy blue leg
    3 emerald
    10 red leg
    5 blue rics
  2. Casey

    Casey Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Can I add a Porcelain Crab to my order?

    Also I will pay with paypal when your ready.

  3. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0

    Update #3 -   keep double checking info on this as I update.  Information is repeated in each update to make sure any changers are reflected :) PM me or post here what you want, and double check my latest update to make sure I got your stuff right.  pm me for a price estimate, I won't post those until AJ gives the ok. I am anticipating some bartering/ changing quantites as we get closer to placing the order.

    blue is how many we have to order at once
    BOLD is how many we currently have
    red is how many we need to order/ get to the next level.
    Now Shipping to: Quad Cities, Cedar Rapids, Muscatine  

    Item name  (pack size)  #ordered,     # needed to fill
    Astrea (200)                  120-150         50- 80
    fancy cereths (50)         55-65              +5 to 15 (35 to next lot)
    fancy blue leg (100)       90-100            0- 10
    peppermint shrimp (4)   4                      0
    emerald (6)                     4                    2
    ricordia (1)                     17-19              n/a                   
    red leg (50)                     30                   20  
    Cucumber (4)                                      3
    Porcelean Crab (1)                              n/a


    this is what I have for each person
    Nuccatree, Quad Cities
    50-60 astrea
    50-60 fancy blue leg
    20 red leg
    Wish list
    1 cuke
    would take 2 emerald crabs if needed to fill order

    Nucca Tree part 2
    , Quad Cities
    10 astrea
    20 Fancy Blue leg Hermits
    10 crieth snails (assuming fancy ceriths- the normals are REALLLY small)

    Matt the Fiddler
    , Quad Cities
    40-50 fancy cereths
    60-80 Astrea
    6-8 ricordia
    4 peppermint shrimp
    2 emerald (needs 6)

    Casey, Cedar Rapids
    6 Ricordea: (2) Orange/Red (3) Blue (1) Green
    1 Porcelean Crab   think about this if we ship to you from me- these may not make shipping #2 as well as others.. No discount pricing btw...
    B-Rad, Muscatine 
    5 fancy cereths
    20 fancy blue leg
    3 emerald
    10 red leg
    5 blue rics


  4. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    OK.. guys, we need to finalize in the next 24-36 hours or so, I want to place the order saturday night around midnight (sunday 1:00 our time is the deadline)

    If you are in the club, i am going to assume you are good on paying me.... once i get a final invoice on shipping , I will let you all know how much it is.... if you need a specific pre shipping price pm me (they are insanly cheap 25% of what others charge!!!)

    we can use some more astrea, red legs, and ceriths... check to totals, and see if you can help us get to the quantity break :)
  5. Casey

    Casey Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I can top of B-Rads order to meet quantity for Red Legged Crabs. I know the crabs probably wouldn't make double shipping, so I will probably just come down and pickup my stuff. I don't mind to roadtrip once in awhile.
  6. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    casey, if you make the hour drive- I will get you a ricordia or orange cap from my tank :)
  7. Casey

    Casey Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks sounds good! I think I will be picking up a couple things for AJ as well while I'm there, fyi.
  8. nuccatree


    +0 / 0 / -0
    I will take a full order of emerald crabs (6) or if someone wants a couple out of hte pack that will be fine, just as I am able to get at least 4.
  9. nuccatree


    +0 / 0 / -0
    what is our total standing at?
  10. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    i will do the math and post some things this evening.. I think we are looking like we are going to be in really good shape... I may order a few extra myself to help balance things out...

    I will be in touch... I think the astrea and cerths are going to be ok with an illinois guy out near me...

  11. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    AJ.. " the two blues and one green from Key's. Also, add on a coral banded shrimp and a pincushin urchin."

  12. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0

    12 hours till order is placed.   
    please confirm your orders :)

    Update #4 -   keep double checking info on this as I update.  Information is repeated in each update to make sure any changers are reflected :) PM me or post here what you want, and double check my latest update to make sure I got your stuff right.  pm me for a price estimate, I won't post those until AJ gives the ok. I am anticipating some bartering/ changing quantites as we get closer to placing the order.

    blue is how many we have to order at once
    BOLD is how many we currently have
    red is how many we need to order/ get to the next level.
    Now Shipping to: Quad Cities, Cedar Rapids, Muscatine  

    Item name  (pack size)  #ordered,     # needed to fill
    Astrea (200)                  140-170         30- 60
    fancy cereths (50)         55-65              +5 to 15 (35 to next lot)
    fancy blue leg (100)       90-100            0- 10
    peppermint shrimp (4)    4                      0
    emerald (6)                    6-10                    2
    ricordia (1)                     20-23              n/a                   
    red leg (50)                     30                   20  
    Cucumber (4)                                      3
    Porcelean Crab                                   n/a
    Coral Banded Shrimp      1                     n/a
    Pincussion Urchin           1                      n/a          


    this is what I have for each person
    Nuccatree, Quad Cities
    50-60 astrea
    50-60 fancy blue leg
    20 red leg
    1 cuke
    would take 2 emerald crabs if needed to fill order

    Nucca Tree part 2-3
    , Quad Cities
    10 astrea
    20 Fancy Blue leg Hermits
    10 crieth snails
    4-6 Emeralds    (are these in addition to your first 2?  I am assuming 4-6 total)

    Matt the Fiddler
    , Quad Cities
    40-50 fancy cereths
    60-80 Astrea
    6-8 ricordia
    4 peppermint shrimp
    2 emerald
    MattJ, Quadcities
    20 Astrea

    Casey, Cedar Rapids (will be picked up)
    6 Ricordea: (2) Orange/Red (3) Blue (1) Green
    1 Porcelean Crab  
    AJ, Cedar Rapids (pickup via Casey)
    2 blues ricordia 
    1 green ricordia 
    1 coral banded shrimp
    1 pincushin urchin
    B-Rad, Muscatine 
    5 fancy cereths
    20 fancy blue leg
    3 emerald
    10 red leg
    5 blue rics

    If we are under quantity- we just may not get the discount pricing...  I may order some extra for me in order to meet quantites... 

  13. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Order placed..
    I should have totals for eveyone tomorrow once i see the shipping bill.
    I took fewer ceriths personally and more astrea to help balance things out.
    I ordered a few extra astrea as well, just to get quantities meet. if anyone else needs a few more- I have them..
    I will have them on Thursday night..  If you want the stuff ASAP (Assuming they make the hold at location on time), you can pick them up at my house at 5:30-6:30 near Genesis East in Davenport that thursday.. 
    I am planning on either being at the QC party in a week- or arranging a drop off there for the rest...   payment can be given at time of pickup.
  14. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I just sent payment.

    I will have totals soon.. Shipping is a little more than I had hoped check your pms tonight... but it is not too much per item... we are getting a steal as it is :)
  15. Casey

    Casey Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for arranging all of this.
  16. matt the fiddler

    matt the fiddler Inactive User

    +1 / 0 / -0
    asi get time, i am emailing people their totals...

    casey got 2 picked up today- and helped me sort out the rics- enjoy the BRIGHT* orange rics :)

    hope the drive back was ok

    QC people- i am planning for the party- but please, stop by if you want and can work schedules!.. pm me to arrange details

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