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Looking for a skimmer for 75 gallon

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by GoodGreef, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. GoodGreef Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Clive, IA
    +239 / 2 / -0

    I have been successfully using a Marine Pro 100 but I never really liked it and now I've snapped off the pump flange trying to get it out to clean it, a common problem so I read. It's still working but leaking air out the bottom of the skimmer. I'm looking for something like a Octopus NWB150 or comparable used in the $100-150 range.
  2. bearsareawsome Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Norwalk, IA
    +1 / 0 / -0
    I ahve a AquaC Urchin Protein Skimmer with a mag 3 pump i would sell for 125. Works awesome just didn't fit into my new sump. I had to get a HOB. Im located in DSM if you want to come take a look.
  3. GoodGreef Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Clive, IA
    +239 / 2 / -0

    PMed. I'll also add I have a 55 gallon tank and stand, fluorescent hoods and cover as well as a Beamswork Double Bright 48inch LED. I also have a Nexx Cannister filter with 2 of the expandable chambers. I was using the setup for my African Cichlids that I am in the process tearing down if anyone is interested in some type of trade as well. Tank, stand and lights, filter etc are all under a year old.
  4. GoodGreef Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Clive, IA
    +239 / 2 / -0

    I have found a skimmer pending pickup. Thanks to those offering.

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