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Lunar Wrasse for Sale/Trade

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Nate Kemmer, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. Nate Kemmer Inactive User

    Des Moines
    +3 / 0 / -0
    I have a 5-6" Lunar Wrasse that needs a new home.  He came with my tank when I bought it.  I recently moved the tank from Indianapolis 2 months ago.  He has great color and is very hardy.  I was trying to get rid of some unwanted algae and I added a bag of hermit crabs today.  They became really expensive wrasse food.  I also added a cleaner shrimp and hopefully he can hide long enough until someone takes the wrasse.  Please help.
    Nate Kemmer
    West Des Moines
  2. stew Well-Known ReefKeeper GIRS Member

    Ankeny, IA
    +72 / 0 / -0
    Have any pics and what do you want for it?
  3. Nate Kemmer Inactive User

    Des Moines
    +3 / 0 / -0
    I have seen them around for $40-$45 I think he might be closerto 4-5".  I am asking $30 or Best Offer.  I tried to post a few photos but I can't seem to figure it out right now.  Here is a link to the pictures on Flickr that i just posted instead. 

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