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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ThyRaven, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Looking to see what everyone thinks about them and I cant remember but someone was selling a few.  I cant keep cheato from ending up in my return pump and back into my DT.  So looking for something to help manage nitrites / nitrates.
    So if you have some for sale I'd take them.
  2. cowdust9

    cowdust9 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    not sure if you have seen this but makes me want to get some http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1849802
  3. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    We have several at the store sprouted with leaves if you cant find any froma member.

    I think they are cool & would like to do a planted tank with them sometime.
  4. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    what are they running Craig? I have so many reasons to come up to the store I need to add another one which may break the list and cause a road trip. Just need to get the credit card paid off first so I can max it out while I am there. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/biggrin.gif
  5. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    $8 each. Most have at least 4 leafs. It is reallly cool watching them sprout new roots & grow more.
  6. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Dont tell me that. I might have to hook up a webcam on them now so I can watch them grow!!!! lol I want to add a few under water cameras in my DT anyway.
  7. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    LOL, they grow very very slow, which is a good thing considering it is a tree in a glass aquarium.

    I am going to make a 24 x 24 tank that is 12 inches deep & plant a big one in the middle in a pile of rocks, put some small easy corals around the base, and some nano fish.
  8. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    that'd be a sweet display at the store. Hey I am going to PM you. got some other stuff I wanna talk about.

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