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Marine Biology Vision for Boone

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BioTeacher, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. BioTeacher


    +5 / 0 / -0

    Let me preface by saying I welcome comments, advice, and suggestions. I can't say that I will do everything suggested, but, I will most definitely take all things under consideration. The class I'm starting for this year I intend to see through for many years to come. Boone High School has made a committment to expand student interest in the sciences. Marine Biology is not the only new course being added to the curriculum this year. We are also adding Zoology, Advanced Genetics, and Forensics. Last year, a Renewable Energy class was added, also. I will be teaching Zoology, Genetics, and Marine along with several classes of regular Biology.

    Here's the beauty behind all of this. I intend to incorporate the Marine Biology curriculum into all of my courses. Of course, it will play a smaller role in Zoology, Genetics and Biology. But, I have a ready-made observation center for my students! I can use different aspects of the curriculum and align it all. Ultimately, our goal is to get students excited and interested in upper sciences. Not only that, but, to get students interested in Marine Science as a career! Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the next leading Marine Biologist come from the middle of Iowa???

    My students will be spending the entire semester on a research project based on Marine Science. I intend to break them up into two teams. Each team will look at a different aspect (variable) of the project. They will keep journals with all of their data, they will be expected to present their information scientifically. They will be expected to present their findings in a public forum. I want to make this experience as applicable to the real world as I can for my kids.

    They will also be learning about the ocean, ocean exploration, and the decline of our oceans. They'll be studying information on the Dead Zone. They'll be trying to explain why it expanded this year and why it's OUR soil down there. They'll have research projects outside of the main focus of the course. They'll have scholarly journals to read articles from. We will have guest speakers and at least one field trip.

    I am also currently looking into the possibility of setting up the class with an entrepreneurship design. My principal and I are still discussing the logistics behind this. I would have to set up a business plan and come up with a model. This would allow the students to raise and sell organisms. The money generated would be put back into the program for future students! I can't begin to say I have it all figured out. I really don't I just wanted to put this out there for your perusal. Thanks for letting me take up your time! /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/biggrin.gif
  2. areefoffaith

    areefoffaith Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    do you have a quarantine system for coral yet?
  3. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    How interesting Shannon! It will be nice to know how you plan to "plant the seed" in your students for future participation in the Marine Biology! Will you be dissecting organisms? Will you be looking at fish that may be genetically linked? Things like that? I don't know the answer as to why our soil is in the dead zone but it will be interesting what hypotheses the students will present!! Could it be from all the flooding we have experienced!?! All I know is that we need to keep our soil HERE!

    You could add this to your regular thread as it isn't really oof topic :0)
  4. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    She has a QT for fish and a frag tank only. Not a QT for frags as far as I can gather/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif

  5. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Welcome Shannon,

    Thanks for telling the community a little bit about your project. The board and many club members have all been discussing how best we can help you along. An aquarium can act as the conduit that makes so many biological topics accessible and interesting to young minds. Never mind the engineering lessons, but beyond that are topics in photosynthesis, virology, bacteriology, biochemistry, parasitology, genetics, and ecology. You may find yourself all too familiar with some of these things as time goes by with the aquarium in your classroom, although even woes can present opprotunities for learning.

    We hope we will meet some of you at Fall Fest, our semi-annual marine aquarium trade show in November. Our speakers will have great presentations and information for you and students that will enrich yours and their learning experience, and are always very entertaining. Please keep in touch and let us know what discreet tasks we can help you accomplish, and as always keep learning.


    Andy Long
  6. BioTeacher


    +5 / 0 / -0

    I do not have a QT system for corals. I have the 180, 225, a 30 for frags, and a 30 bowfront promised.

  7. BioTeacher


    +5 / 0 / -0

    We will be dissecting many organisms. I have ordered around 10 or 12 for the students to compare anatomies for. I will be looking at the genetics of multiple organisms, as well.
  8. BioTeacher


    +5 / 0 / -0
    Thank you, Andy! I certainly plan to include engineering lessons into my classroom! My hope is to allow the kids to create a small setup on their own. I definitely have plans for everything you mentioned! My focus for my regular biology class is the environment and I fully intend to incorporate the tanks into those lessons. I also used my freshwater tanks for three years in my middle school science courses. Where is the show held in November? I do have plans to attend with students in April.


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