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Mixing Clowns

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by corey.nolta, Jul 3, 2017.

  1. corey.nolta

    +79 / 0 / -0
    My 90 gallon is about ready for stocking. I currently have my fish in a 55 gallon holding tank. I inherited a pair of oscellaris a while back, but already had a tomato clown (which is in it's own sectioned off space of the 55 currently). How would the three interact in a 90 gallon (4'x2'x18")? I know the tomato is one of the more aggressive of the clowns, but is a 90 big enough for the three?

    I do have a fuge set up in my sump that I can definitely put the tomato in. Ideally, I'd just prefer to have them all in the display if possible.

    Current Fish List:
    Oscellaris x2
    Tomato x1
    Green Chromis x1
    Striped Damsel x2
    Magnificent Fox Face x 1 (Future Fish)

  2. I have a 150 with a tomatoe and 2 ocellaris they do fine as long as they stay away from his anem. He will relentlessly attack anything near his nem tho, used to have about 5 ocellaris in there until they got cooked by a malfunctioning heater. But yeah the 5 and even now with 2 as long as they stay away from his nem they are fine .
  3. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    You'll have to be cautious, and you won't really know until you try.
    If they each have nems to claim on opposite sides of the tank it might end up working out. Clowns tend to stick real close to nems. Mine usually only leave to go grab some food, and even then they don't go real far.
    If the territories end up too close there could definitely be problems.

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