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Mojano Wand ???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tickyty, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Tickyty

    Tickyty Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I am unsuccessfully trying to control my Aptasia problem. Has anyone ever used a Mojano Wand or have any insight on its affectiveness? I've added peppermint shrimps but they are very adept at hiding and are not really putting a large dent in the population. I thought my serpent star had an expensive meal but one day I spotted the first one on top of a Hydor, so I decided to add another one and have not seen either since. I've thought about using Aptasia-X but don't know if it would be better than Kalk-paste. Just looking for others experiences in controlling these pest./DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/crazy.gif
  2. Maureen Experienced Reefkeeper

    Urbandale, IA
    +329 / 0 / -0
    I take a little tank water in a mug, bring it to a boil in my microwave. I then use a syringe and squirt any aiptasia I might have with the hot water. The aiptasia will melt away and not come back. Be careful of any coral. You could use a rubber spatula or something to block the water if you have a coral right next to the aiptasia. Once in a great while I will get an aiptasia. I use the hot water method, it works great and it is free!

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