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moncler online outlet re been admitted in their ancestors;

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Guest, Nov 18, 2012.

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    moncler online outlet re been admitted in their ancestors;

    even these were visible saints, and such as John had rational ground to think had sufficient doctrinal knowledge and were orthodox and
    Moncler Outlet real saints, having moral evidence that they had gospel holiness, because Adam, their original ancestor, made a profession of religion, in words of double meaning, without any marks of distinction or discrimination, by which any might know their meaning!And if we should go back no further than Abraham, it would not much mend the matter; supposing the case had been so, that we had the words of both Abraham's and Adam's profession written down moncler online outlet in our Bibles: whereas we have neither; no, nor have we the words of the profession of any one person, either in the Old Testament or New, at their being taken into the church, if the things which Mr. Williams says are true; though he speaks so often of professions, and words of professions, and declarations, made on such Moncler Outlet Usa occasions, as if we had an express account of them in Scripture.V. As our author abundantly maintains, that unsanctified men in covenanting with God, may and do promise the exercise of saving faith, repentance, love, &c.; so he holds, that they promise to begin the exercise of these graces immediately, from this moment, and to live in them from henceforth, p. 25,26, 28,76.Now I desire this matter may be looked into, and thoroughly examined. Not only the holy Scriptures, and agreeable to them, Mr. Stoddard, and sound divines in general, moncler outlet store teach us, but Mr Williams himself maintains, that men who are unsanctified, do for the present refuse and oppose these things. In a forecited place of his sermon on Isa. xlv. 11, our author says, that " Unregenerate and unsanctified men oppose all means for the bringing them to these things, are willingly without them, and labor to find out all manner of difficulties and hinderances in the way of them; and if they pray for them, do not desire they should come yet, but would stay a while longer." Now, how is this consistent with such persons' promising with any sincerity at all, that they will comply with and perform these things immediately, from henceforth, without staying one moment longer? If God calls a man this moment to yield his whole heart to him in faith, love and new obedience; and if he, in answer to the call, solemnly promises nnd swears* to God, that he will immediately comply with the call, without the least delay, and does it with any sincerity inconsistent with the most vile perfidy and perjury; then how does he now willingly refuse, oppose, and struggle against it, as choosing to stay a while longer? Besides, such promises and oaths of unregenerate men must not only be contrary to sincerity, but very presumptuous, upon these two accounts. (1.) Because herein they take an oath to the Most High, which, it is ten thousand to one, they will break as soon as the words are out of their mouths, by continuing still unconverted; yea, an oath which they are breaking even while they are uttering it. And what folly and wickedness is it for men to take such

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