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Moncler Outlet rayers of God`s people, his heart was

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Guest, Nov 18, 2012.

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    Moncler Outlet rayers of God's people, his heart was

    softening, and last Sabbath evening, as he says himself, when he could hold back no longer, he gave his name to me for baptism, his amiable wife joining him by giving her name also; and on Monday evening, the 17th, I had the honor of burying those two precious souls in the liquid grave, where much of the Spirit was felt. Last evening, at our prayer meeting, they were confirmed, and the Spirit bore unmistakable testimony that they were
    Moncler Outlet Usa accepted of God. It was a time of rejoicing with all when they both arose and bore testimony of the latter day work, and expressed their determination to devote the remainder of their lives to the service of God, in fellowship with the Reorganization. To God be all the glory.Br. David Smith was with us from Friday last till Monday, when he left for home. His health was quite poor while with us. He did not get out to Moncler Outlet speak to us until Sunday night. He then delivered a very able discourse, and it was well received by the congregation. The work is onward here. A good spirit prevails. I leave tomorrow for Canton, and on through the southern part of my District.With love to yourself, Br. Mark, and all in the office, I remain as ever,Yours in Christ,J. S. Patterson Township of Moore, Canada, April 19th, 1871. Dear Brethren in Christ: I know that you would be glad to hear of the prosperity of the work of God in our vicinity. Although persecution is strong, the work of God is prospering. The saints are alive to the great work, and are endeavoring to advance the cause of their Redeemer. This branch, called the Olive Branch, has had about seventeen added to its number in one year, and is in good working order. They number about eighteen. There is also another branch, called the Wilkesport Branch, which Br. John Shippy and myselfhave been instrumental, in moncler outlet store the hands of God, in organizing, which moncler online outlet is in good working order also. The determination of my soul is to spend and be spent in the service of God. Farewell for the present. I hope yet to see you in the flesh, if it be the will of God; if not, his will be done. Yours in Christ Jesus,Robert Davis. ''green Centre, Ind.,April 23d, 1871. Dear Brother:' I want you to send one of the best elders here that you have; one that is not afraid to talk to the people, and he shall have a home with me free of charge. If he stays one year, it stall not cost him a cent. Br. Gurley partly promised me that if I came here, he would come and preach. Now he is the very man that we want, or one as good in his place. I dont think there is going to be any trouble in starting a branch of the church here, of five or six, or may be more and now is the time for an elder to come and do all the good he can. The people want an elder to come; they are anxious to hear preaching. They seem to be very much interested in this matter, and 1 want it to go on. Be sure and send a preacher as soon as you get this letter. Br. Stone promised to come this way as he went home; but he has not come yet. The people want to hear him very much.Jacob Huntsman. i

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