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MP40 Comparison????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by j.stacey, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. j.stacey

    j.stacey Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Ok I am looking for some opinions of pumps that could possibly compare to the flow provided by an MP40. We have a standard 125g tank we moved into the new house and now have the tank mounted in the wall and it's time to start the tank back up. I know nothing compares to an MP40 but the price tag on them is more then I care to dish out right now. I have heard Maxi-Jet puts out good flow and can be put on a controller but i have also hear they are quite loud. So what I am looking for is your expierences with different pumps what worked and what didn't. I had dual pumps that were bought off ebay and they didn't push enough water and the polarity of the pump itself would reverse so when we put them on a controller sometimes they would be sucking water instead of pushing it. I know cheap isn't the way to go but a 800 dollar investment in 2 MP40's is not in the picture for a long while. So i need something in the middle!!!! Let the opinions flow /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif Thank you in advance for everybody's comments.
  2. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well you are certainly right in the notion that nothing quite compares IMO. However a very close runner up is the Tunze turbelle stream pumps which can be had second hand (I much prefer the old style) for 150 bucks or so. Also, I have had my mp40's for 5 or 6 years now and never really needed to look into pumps for some time. At that time, a popular alternative was using a DIY or conversion kit for the Maxi jet, that effectively changed it from a impellar powered pump, to a propeller powered pump with the addition of a prop and a guard. At this point, I think somebody has patented the design and/or Marineland has caught on and began producing Maxi jets in this fashion vs the old way. They are quite powerful with the conversion and cheap too. It's a good option IMO, and I think better than the korallias and cheap korallia knock offs I've seen on ebay.
  3. ninjazx777 Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines, IA
    +7 / 1 / -0
    Another good alternative is the hydor korillas. I like them better then the maxijets cause they come with magnets to hold them in place
  4. jnjsad

    jnjsad Inactive User

    +2 / 0 / -0
    I have experience with both the votex series pumps as well as the tunze. I do like them both and don't think you can go wrong with either one...however - the tunze are silent and really move a ton of water. I put 2 x 6105 on my 180 and at 30% power - still moves a ton....and they are silent. I like the programability of the vortex pumps but you can do that also with the tunze, an apex, and some creative programming. I'm not that big of a fan on the Korillas mainly b/c 3 of the 3 I have - the propeller has a tendancy to start. Less than 2 years old - 1 no longer works and the other 2 I have to stick a pen in the guard in order to 'help' the propeller spin. These pumps have no coraline on them and are in practically new condition...so I don't trust the Korilas long term. My 2 cents. good luck! By the way, if you look around...you can get good deal on tunze 6105 controllable pumps (newer style) for under $400-500.

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